I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Step #5-Show us The Way

"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth." Psalms 86:11

Saturday after Ash Wednesday (February 28, 2009)

As we take our 5th step, we ask the Lord to show us the way. He is guiding us, otherwise we would certainly get lost. He has chosen each and every one of us for this walk. We may feel unworthy to walk in His path, but He knows that He made the right choice. He formed us in our mother's womb and He knows the depths of our souls. He created us so in His eyes we are perfect in spite of our imperfections.

We heard His call and we answered YES. He wants us to follow Him even if in our hearts we know we are sinners. In today's gospel reading, the Pharisees ask Jesus why does He eat and drink with sinners. I love His answer: "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners." Luke 5: 31-32

He called us to follow Him not because of our good deeds but because of our sins. He wants us to repent. He wants to "teach us His way so that we can walk in the truth." Sometimes, He sends us someone to teach us the way. Think of a person among your family or your friends that truly walks in the truth, in the light of Christ. In our family, we have tio Chucho. When he was a little boy he suffered polio and was left with many ailments. He carried his cross for over 70 years and not once did we ever hear him complaint. He has been at the edge of death multiple times. Nobody can count the number of times he has been hospitalized. His constant companion was an oxygen tank, yet he always had a smile on his face. Everybody loves tio Chucho because being in his presence, you felt peace, you felt love, you felt kindness. He taught all that met him how to carry our own crosses with dignity. Last night, God took him to heaven. A simple cold got complicated and he passed away on the way to the hospital. We found out at midnight and we knew the angels were singing.

You all know someone like tio Chucho. Take time this weekend to call or visit your tio Chucho.

Let's ask Mary, our blessed Mother, to continue helping us stay in the path of righteousness.

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