I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Step #9-The Evil Generation

“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart for I am gracious and merciful.” Joel 2:12-13

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent (March 4, 2009)

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus says “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it…” Luke 11:29

I have been praying to the Holy Spirit to enlighten me so I can understand the message that Jesus is trying to get across with today’s readings. I personally don’t like to be considered part of “this evil generation” that He is referring to, and yet, I know that I am part of it. Every time I don’t do my part to spread His message, I allow the enemy to get stronger. Every time I get angry, I am letting evil feelings take control of my heart. Every time I talk bad about someone, I am very much part of “this evil generation.”

Jesus also says that this generation “seeks a sign.” Yes, He was talking to the crowd 2000 years ago, but this generation is not much different than that generation. We are sign seekers. Do you remember the shadow of the Holy Family that appeared not too long ago in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Brendan Catholic Church? It was a shadow reflected in the mantle that held the Blessed Sacrament and indeed, it truly resembled the image of the Holy Family. How many people stood in line for hours to take a peek at the shadow? It was all over the news. Pictures traveled through the Internet, and for a few days, St. Brendan became a very popular church. Unfortunately, most people failed to notice the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, just a few inches from the shadow. Most of the crowd just wanted to witness the miracle without realizing that the miracle is present there every single day. Where are the people now? The Blessed Sacrament is still there, it’s probably exposed in most of our churches around Miami, and yet, most of us don’t take the time to visit Him, to spend time with Him. I am the first one that rarely spends time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It is too much trouble for me to go out of my way to visit a church on a weekday and spend a few minutes with Jesus. However, I will manage to find the time later today to go to Macy’s because I need a dress for a wedding.

As we continue on this journey, Jesus asks each and every one of us to spend more time with Him. We cannot continue through this journey rushing to reach our destination as fast as possible. We need to stop and notice the people around us, the beauty around us... When was the last time you sat outdoors and just listened to the wind, enjoyed the smell of a flower, marveled at the sun coming out behind the clouds? When was the last time you stopped to watch the birds, the butterflies or the squirrels right outside your door? When was the last time you spent a few minutes with Jesus, allowing Him to talk to you in the silence of your heart?

Jesus does not want us to be part of “the evil generation.” He wants us to be part of His Kingdom, share it with others and enjoy precious time with Him in this beautiful world that He gives us as a gift every single day.

Our Blessed Mother is sitting under a tree as we continue on this journey. She is inviting us to sit with Her. She wants to talk to us about Her Son. She wants us to “return to Him with our whole heart.” Let’s accept Her invitation to get to know Jesus through Her eyes. That is the most intimate way to meet Him, through His Mother’s eyes.

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