I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Step #13-The Transfiguration

“From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Mark 9:7

Second Sunday of Lent (March 8, 2009)

Today’s gospel reading is about “the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ.” It has become one of my favorite readings since I meditated on it about two and a half years ago. I think it’s because in this time I have experienced a metamorphosis. I always considered myself as having a close relationship with Jesus, but before it used to be more of a one way relationship. I did all the talking but I never took the time to listen. Two and a half years ago, when I attended the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola for the first time, everything changed. Now I still talk a lot to Him, but I also contemplate, meaning I spend time in silence just allowing Him to talk to me in the silence of my heart.

During the “transfiguration”, Jesus changed. Now, He is asking us to change. Sometime along this journey, He wants us to leave behind our old self and become a new person. He wants us to experience His brightness, the same brightness that Peter, James and John experienced during the “transfiguration” twenty centuries ago.

Imagine for a moment that when you started this journey you were a caterpillar. Somewhere along the path, you will undergo a metamorphosis and you will be changed into a butterfly. (If you are a man, and it’s too hard to imagine yourself as a butterfly, then pretend you started as a tadpole and you will be changed into a frog).

You will encounter Jesus in this journey. It is impossible to meet Him, to experience His bright light and leave that encounter unchanged.

Are you ready to be changed? If you are, then just keep walking.

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