I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Step #6-Love and Truth

"Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant." Psalms 25

First Sunday of Lent (March 1, 2009)

Today is the first Sunday of Lent. In our Christian tradition, every Sunday of the year is a celebration of the resurrection. Because of this, we don't fast on Sundays. My youngest son, Alex, who turned 14 in December, has observed some fasting and abstinence in the past, but this is the first year he is taking it very seriously. He was very happy when he found out about this rule because it means he can eat chocolate on Sundays. He asked me: "Are you going to read your book on Sundays?" I told him that I was planning to abstain from reading the Nora Roberts trilogy even on Sundays. I guess I made him think and he decided that he would eat chocolate just three of the six Sundays preceding Easter.

Every one has to make a personal decision about what they will do on Sundays, but being that on every Sunday we are celebrating a "little Easter," we should consider doing something extra special as a pre-Easter celebration. Today's responsorial psalm gives us a glimpse as to what we should do to remain in the right path all the way to Easter. God teaches us the way by talking about love and truth. What a wonderful way to prepare for Easter by trying every Sunday to spread a little love to the people around us.

Let us celebrate today by spending time with our family, abstaining from arguing, nagging and bickering, and truly enjoying each other's company in an honest-to-goodness Sunday celebration.

First Sunday of Lent (February 18, 2018)

I was very tempted this morning to take a peek at my Facebook. After all, today is Sunday so we get a break from our Lenten penance. But I decided not to give in to my resolution. I will abstain from Facebook until Easter Sunday.

It’s amazing how we are creatures of habit. I have gotten so used to checking Facebook in the mornings that this week I have found myself at a loss. Facebook has become my reminder for birthdays. It is also my gossip column: who’s doing what, who’s traveling, who got engaged, who had a baby, what’s happening this weekend, etc. I also use it to post my meditations, and check who is reading them.

Now, I feel I am in the desert. No clue what’s going on. But sometimes, it’s good to get away from it all to truly spend time with Jesus. So I will continue living out in the wilderness for the next six weeks. And hopefully by Easter, I won’t have the need to check out Facebook on a daily basis.

Happy Sunday!!!

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