I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, June 4, 2017

LTH during the Easter Season: Holy Spirit, Thank You for my Fruit Salad

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." —Romans 15:13

June 8, 2014

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for this day. Thank You for all your blessings. Thank You for loving me so much that You died in the cross for me. Thank You for leaving us the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Thank You for the family that You chose for me. Thank You for Rafe. We've been married almost 30 years. Thank You for crossing our paths. He's been at my side through thick and thin.

Thank You for the gift of each of my children. Each one has brought a special flavor to our fruit salad. Rafi is the pineapple. I've tasted the most sour pineapples and the sweetest pineapples. It's the same with Rafi. He's brought me the sweetest moments and the greatest pains. Even though I don't know until I bite it if I'm going to enjoy a sweet pineapple or if my eyes will water from the sour taste, I still love pineapples. And I love my Rafi. I would not change him at all. I love him just the way he is. Thank You for choosing me to be his mom. It's been a privilege and an honor.

Chabeli is the apple. She's the apple of Rafe's eyes. But more than that, she's solid, she's consistent, she's strong and she's stable. She's brought balance and stability to our salad. She says it like it is. She speaks her heart out and she's solid at the core. I'm so proud of my Chabeli. She has blossomed into a beautiful apple. She's smart, a hard worker, caring... She has attitude and she is a strong woman. She has faith in You but her faith in the Catholic Church is wavering. We need to work on that. I love my girl. Thank You for the gift of her and for picking me to be her mama. Help me to be there for her always.

Alex is the banana of our salad. Always consistent. Always happy. Always tastes good. I'm never afraid to bite a banana because I always know it's going to taste delicious. It's comfort food. And it's the same with Alex. He's my simple, no nonsense child. Yes, he's given us a few small heart attacks, especially last summer, but all in all, he's brought us a lot of joy and peace. He's about to finish his first year of college and it's been good. Really good. No scary phone calls or health issues. The worst thing that happened was that his clothing got stolen from the laundry room. Big deal. Thank You, Jesus, for my sweet banana. I love him so much. He will forever be my most treasured Christmas gift. Thank You for sending him to us and for choosing me to be his mom.

Thank You for my parents and the rest of my family. I grew up as an only child. I always wanted a sibling. But I can't complain because You have blessed me with a very large and lovely extended family. I would like to pray for all of them. 

Please grant my Rafe good health and lots of patience. Please give my pineapple health of mind, body and spirit. I pray that my apple finds her soul mate. And I pray that my banana finds his true passion and vocation. And for my parents, I pray for health and acceptance of Your will. And for the rest of my family members, may they be at peace. And for myself, I pray that I can enjoy the simple things in life and that I don't get so overwhelmed with nonsense.

I pray for all those that are sick and in need of your mercy. I pray for all those that don't have anyone to pray for them. I pray for all the souls in purgatory. I pray for vocations. And I pray for the intentions of your Blessed Mother.

Holy Spirit, thank You for my fruit salad!! 

June 4, 2017

Dear Holy Spirit:

Thank You for guiding me all these years. Thank You for inspiring me to write. Thank You for giving me the courage to share the Good News. And thank You for my fruit salad.

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