

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You are in All my Days

"Good days. Bad days. God is in all days." Max Lucado in "You'll Get Through This"

June 24, 2014

Dear Jesus:

It's good to know, Jesus, that You are present in all my days: the good, the bad and the ugly. Today, things got really complicated in the blink of an eye.

I woke up this morning expecting that my dad would be discharged from the hospital. Change of plans. It's 6 pm and I'm still here at the hospital with him. And it looks like I'll be staying overnight.

Yesterday, he got the skin grafts. Everything with the skin grafts went fine. He's hardly had any discomfort. But now, he can't empty his bladder. They did an ultrasound at 2 pm and we are still here... waiting. Waiting for the results. Waiting for treatment. Waiting for someone to do something for him. The nurse says that she's waiting for the doctor to call her back. I just called the doctor and he's waiting for the urologist. And in the meantime, the clock keeps ticking and we keep waiting.

Jesus, I may not understand now, with my limited mind, why You allow bad days. But I trust that You use both bad days and good days to accomplish your will. But please, give me the patience to accept the things I cannot change, serenity to wait, and courage to speak up when it gets to the point that we've had enough.

In the meantime, my wonderful hubby and daughter, are coming over and bringing me dinner. And the nurse just came in and they are going to put a catheter on my dad. Please Jesus, don't let him suffer. Give him strength to withstand whatever You send his way, strength to carry the cross and bless him.

Jesus, I trust in You. I have to trust You completely. Even when bad things happen because they are part of your greater plan. And I have to allow You to finish your work. I know that one day, when I meet You in heaven, You will explain it all to me.

In the meantime, I love You and I sit at your feet.

June 24, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for being present in all my days. The last three years of my dad's life were very tough years, but I felt your presence every single moment. I know that You carried us through some very rough waters, but through it all, You prepared us for that moment when we had to bid our final good-bye.

Thank You for also being present in the good days. And we've had a lot more good days than bad. This year has been especially peaceful and I am so thankful. I feel richly blessed when my days are boring and You are present in my daily routines. Thank You for the lack of action. I rejoice in the peace of quiet days.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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