I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, June 26, 2017

Letters to Heaven: One Step at a Time

"It’s not always easy to walk in faith... But as we take one step and then another and then another, we’ll find our faith growing stronger. We’ll also find the joy that can come only from following the Lord. And we’ll find God supporting and leading us into a future that is more beautiful than we could ever imagine." 
The Word Among Us Meditation January 28, 2017

May 16, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I love this time in the morning when the sun just came out. The house is quiet. I can hear the birds singing outside. It's so peaceful.

I am beginning to make peace within me. I still feel as if my heart went through the wringer, but it is still beating. The turmoil inside of me is starting to calm down. I am starting to accept Rafi's illness. Talking it over with him has helped me. He is not angry. He feels that he can control this illness and he refuses to allow the illness to control him. If Rafi has accepted it with such a positive attitude, who am I to question why this has happened? I need to imitate my son and be positive. I need to find the good in the bad. Rafi has not changed. He is the same Rafi with his same goals and aspirations. This week, he has gone to the beach a couple of times with his friends. He's the same sociable kid that he has always been. Jesus, I place him in your hands once more. Please, protect him.

In the midst of all the bad, a lot of good things have happened. Alex had his pin ceremony and eighth grade prom last week. It's an exciting time for him. He went to the prom with Ali, a friend from St. Theresa. He had a great time. He has a good group of new friends that he's met at Belen over the past three years. He's happy. He's been getting As and Bs. He's ready to start high school. He will be attending summer camp at Belen by his own choice. He continues with his tennis lessons, and we finally found a guitar teacher that he really likes. Thus far, his little world is perfect. Please Jesus, keep it that way.

Chabeli is also very happy. She finished her first year at UM with flying colors. Now she's taking two classes at Miami-Dade during the summer. She's happy with her job at UM and with her boyfriend. She seems to have found her rhythm. She is at peace with herself and life in general. Please, Jesus, keep an angel watching over her. Don't let anything or anyone alter her peace.

Rafe and I are doing pretty well considering. We have resumed our morning walks. We are talking a lot. We are united in this journey. One step at a time, that is our motto. Please Jesus, keep us together and strong because we know that this is the beginning of a long road. But I know that with You, we'll be able to beat this, just like we have overcome every road block in the past. Please, Jesus, keep us united through this ordeal, give us wisdom to make the right decisions, give us courage to continue walking, and please, hold our hands. I know that with your help, we will be able to walk this journey together. One step at a time.

I love You, Jesus!!!

June 26, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for walking with us, one step at a time. When Rafi was diagnosed with a very serious illness on April 24, 2009, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to hide my head under a pillow and pretend that it was just a nightmare from which I would wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, it was not a nightmare. It was reality. Our new reality. I asked You many times, "why, Jesus? Why is this happening to him?" I couldn't accept that my son, my firstborn, my sweet, smart baby, could be diagnosed with something so serious and so unexpected. Something that could alter his entire life.

Thank You for choosing Rafe to be my husband. I would never have been able to go through that nightmare without him. He was my strength and support. Thank You for all the morning walks, for our journey with You, for our daily bible readings and meditations. They provided us with the necessary tools to make it through it all. Our being so united as a couple and having You at the center of our marriage, gave us the strength to carry the cross together.

Thank You for carrying Rafi. Thank You for guiding us to the best doctors, who found the right medication to stabilize him. He may need to take medication for the rest of his life, but I have accepted it. As a priest told me once, sometimes the miracle is not the cure, sometimes the miracle is finding the right medication that allows a person to live a normal life in spite of the illness. Thank You for the miracle. Thank You that today, Rafi leads a very normal life. He has become friends with his illness and he manages it beautifully. He is also opening up and helping others by sharing his story. That is the reason why, in this blog, I have decided not to go into the details. It's not my story to tell. It's his story.

No matter how many mountains we find in our journey, one step at a time. No matter how many hills we have to climb, one step at a time. No matter how many curves are ahead of us, one step at a time. And always, always, walking with You, one step at a time.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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