I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, June 9, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Give Thanks

"Give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

June 9, 2014

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for everything!!! I have so much to be thankful for.

My dad's surgery was a success. Thank You!!! I know it's a bit early to be celebrating victory, but I know in my heart that You are in control. He hasn't even felt pain. He felt more pain with the biopsies. Thank You for not allowing him to suffer more than necessary.

Thank You for this amazing world that You have given us. Here I am, sitting by the pool, looking at the beautiful ocean, listening to the waves crashing at the seashore. What more can I ask for?

Thank You for my wonderful, handsome husband of 30 years who works very hard to provide for all of us. He is an amazing father and husband.

Thank You for the gift of my children. Thank You for choosing me to be their mother.

Thank You for the gift of faith. I can't imagine my life without You in it.

Thank You for my community of faith. When I'm too overwhelmed to pray, they do the praying for me.

Thank You for people like Max Lucado who share their gift of writing by inspiring so many to follow You. His book "You'll Get Through This" has been a great help for me since I found out that my dad was diagnosed with a malignant angiosarcoma. And now, it turns out, that it's the book that Claire chose for our summer book club. I'm so excited.

Thank You, Jesus. You are amazing. I love You so much.

June 9, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for everything!!! I have so much to be thankful for.

Thank You for giving me two additional years with my dad after he was diagnosed with a malignant angiosarcoma.

Thank You for the beautiful and perfect world that You created for us.

Thank You for my hubby and my children. Thank You for my family.

Thank You for my faith and for my community. Thank You for the amazing group of women that You have placed in my life. They are the sisters that I never had.

Thank You for the Bible classes that have taught me so much about You, about our Blessed Mother, about the saints and about all the apostles.

Thank You for the tough times because they have made me stronger.

Thank You, Jesus, for always being by my side.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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