I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Thank You for The Kisses

"Pain and suffering have come to your life, but remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of Jesus-a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you." 
St. Teresa of Calcutta

May 21, 2016

Dear Jesus:

I was supposed to attend the Spiritual Exercises this weekend. Instead, I'm on retreat at the hospital. I guess this is where You needed me to be.

My dad's health has rapidly deteriorated in the past two months. The doctors have found a mass in his lower intestine. Yesterday, we made the decision to put him in hospice until You decide to take him to his heavenly home. Please, Jesus, don't let him suffer indefinitely. Thank You for placing Samantha in our path. I pray that she will be a good caretaker for my dad. And I pray that she in turn will be happy with him and my mom. And I pray that we also find someone good for the evenings and the weekends.

Rafi and Emily arrive in a week. Please allow Rafi to be able to see his grandfather alive. In ten days, we are supposed to go on a family vacation to New Orleans and Seaside for Phillip and Alex's wedding. I don't want to be selfish but You know how hard it is for us to coordinate a family vacation nowadays. It's just one week. Please Jesus, give us a little break and allow us to share this time together with the kids. So please, help me to resolve my dad's care so I can leave with just a little bit of worry.

On a different note, my parents received communion today for the first time in 50 years. Since their previous marriages were never annulled, they have not been allowed to receive your body and blood. Just between You and me, I think it's ridiculous. Father Gabriel deemed it fine that they could receive it today. What a beautiful gift to give them on this year of mercy.

Please give my mom the strength and the patience to handle what is ahead of her. Have mercy on my dad and grant him everlasting life. And give me the wisdom to make the right decisions for my dad. Have mercy on him. Have mercy on his soul.

Mother Teresa, pray for my dad.

I love You, Jesus!!! Thank You for the kisses!!!

June 14, 2017

Dear Jesus:

My dad left us a year ago today. I certainly hope that You have welcomed him into his heavenly home already and that he has been able to meet You face to face. If he's still in purgatory then we are all in deep trouble because that means that it takes a long time to be purified. Of course, You don't measure time the way we do, but I would like to think that he is already with You. He was such a good, gentle and humble man that if he's not with You yet, there's not much chance for the rest of us.

Thank You for taking him so fast and minimizing his suffering. His last weeks were very tough for him and for my mom. He was bedridden and we had to do everything for him. It broke my heart to see him in that shape. But thank You for sending us some good angels: Samantha, Graciela, and a few others that helped out on the weekends. They were a great help to my mom. And they allowed us to be able to keep him at home until the very end. He passed away at home and in peace. Thank You for that gift.

Before he passed away, You gave me the gift of allowing me to spend one week with all the kids and Rafe in NOLA and Seaside. We shared some wonderful adventures and some delicious meals, including the famous beignets. Philip and Alex's wedding was absolutely beautiful. It was great to be able to share such a joyous day with the Ingelmo's. We have known them for over 20 years and we share a great friendship.

Thank You for giving Rafi the opportunity to see his grandfather alive one last time. Since he got to see how bad he was doing, it made saying "good-bye" a little easier.

My mom has done pretty good this first year. She is one strong lady, even though I'm sure she's had her tough moments in private. As she says: "the nights are the hardest." Please be with her so she doesn't feel lonely.

My dad accepted your kisses of pain and suffering with love, dignity and without ever complaining. Help me to learn from him and whatever cross I must carry in the future, help me to accept it with a smile and to always be grateful for the kisses.

St. Teresa, pray for us!!!

I love You, Jesus!!! Thank You for the kisses!!!

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