I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lenten Journey: Be Thankful for what you have

"The Lord does not save by sword and spear." 1Samuel 17:47

We now come to David's most famous story, his defeat of the giant Goliath.

King David-Part 2

The driving force behind David's victory was God. Otherwise, little and weak as he was, how could he even dream of defeating Goliath? But God was with him and with just a sling and a stone, David killed the giant Goliath. When King Saul saw David killed Goliath, he made David a leader of his army. His army won many battles for King Saul and all of Israel loved David.

This love of the Israelites for David caused jealousy in Saul's heart. The remaining chapters of David's story in Samuel will portray the battle going on between Saul and David. Saul will try to kill David various times whereas David will spare Saul's life in more than one occasion.

Instead of building up Israel, Saul wasted all his time chasing David. His jealousy of David drove him mad and he couldn't control his thirst for revenge. He was blinded to the blessings that God had already provided.

Jealousy can do that to a person. We have to be very careful not to be jealous of others. We have to accept God's will for our lives and not live a life always desiring what others have. When we are always comparing ourselves to others, the only ones we harm is ourselves.

How different Saul's life would have been if he had made room in his heart to accept the blessings that God was sending him through David. Instead, he was so blinded by jealousy that he was more concerned by losing his power than what was best for his people.

Let's be thankful for what we have and let's rejoice in the blessings that God bestows upon us each and every day.

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