I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lenten Journey: Get Rid of the Giants

"You heard on that day how the Anakim were there, with great fortified cities; it may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall drive them out, as the Lord said.” Joshua 14:12

Even though Caleb received his inheritance, he still had to conquer the land. The land he received was inhabited by the Anakim which were a tribe of giants. Most of you have probably heard the story of David and Goliath. Goliath is a descendant of the Anakim.

Many were afraid of the Giants, but not Caleb. He was not afraid because he trusted God. He knew that God was with him so that gave him the confidence he needed to defeat the Giants.

We all have giants in our life that need to be defeated before we can inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus never promised us an easy life. He never said that we would have a problem-free existence if we chose to follow Him. Every day we encounter giants that we need to fight. Who or what are the giants in your life that you need to defeat?

It could be a family member that gives you anxiety. The giant may be an illness that you have been struggling with for some time. Or possibly fear of death. Maybe you lost a loved one and the deep sadness is consuming you. You may be struggling financially and there are unpaid bills that are making you lose sleep. Or the giant could be a child that is rebellious and is constantly fighting with you. Whatever the giant is that is keeping you under a lot of stress, Jesus is with you. He is walking with you. He is the difference between hopeless frustration and rest, between defeat and victory.

Do you know that every step you take, Jesus is walking with you? He has paved the way for you and He gives you everything you need to follow Him. As you walk the road that God has laid out for you, ask Him to help you defeat the giants in your path.

No matter how difficult the road seems in front of you, Jesus will never leave you. His mercy will cover you and His strength will empower you. Just trust Him. He will help you get rid of the giants. 

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