"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30
I have a confession to make. I was not thrilled when I found out who was joining our journey today. I have given the wheel of this journey to the Holy Spirit. He's been the one leading the way and choosing our companions. All I did was put about 50 names in a little box, I pray over them and I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my hand when I pick out the name. When I read last night that John the Baptist was our next companion, I was not happy. I was very tempted to put his name back inside the box.
John the Baptist
I find John the Baptist to be a little weird and somewhat scary. He lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and wild honey. I didn't even know what locusts were. When I found out they were grasshoppers I was horrified. No wonder I don't like this strange man. I like his mother Elizabeth a lot more.
But we cannot judge a book by its cover and I have the tendency to do just that. So as I began to familiarize myself with John the Baptist, I realized that he had a big mission to fulfill and if I look beyond the wild man, I find a man with a blind devotion to Jesus Christ.
His mission was to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. His faith was amazing. He can certainly be a role model to those of us that wish to share our faith with others (just as long as we are not expected to eat grasshoppers).
John was destined to spend many years by himself living in the desert while preparing for the job that God had entrusted him. He spent his days preparing the way for Jesus Christ. His whole purpose in life was to introduce others to Jesus. And this was not an easy task. Tomorrow we will learn about all the obstacles he had to face in his mission and how he placed his trust in God during all his challenges.
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