I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lenten Journey: Love

"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Cor 16:13-14

We conclude our journey with St. Paul the same way we began, in love. 

St. Paul was a strong man. He traveled great distances to spread the good news. He spent years in prison. He was tortured. He was persecuted. And at the end, he was beheaded. This was not a soft, sentimental man. And yet, in his letters, he continually mentioned love.

Love was the power behind everything he did. His source of strength was his love for Christ. His own capabilities, great as they were, could not sustain him without love. Only Christ could sustain him. It took great love to be courageous and strong in the face of persecution. It took great love to withstand all the trials that he had to face. His strength emerged from his love for Christ.

We also have our own trials and tribulations. St. Paul teaches us that the key to be able to endure our sufferings is a deep love for Christ. Our own individual courage and strength will not be enough to sustain us. Only our love for Christ will give us the tools we will need to be able to carry the cross, no matter how heavy it is.

No matter what storms come our way, as long as we love Jesus, He will give us the strength to endure. Love will keep us going. If we love Jesus, we can do all things because He will strengthen us. Love is the key. Let us spread the good news so that the world may know God's love. 

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