I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lenten Journey: God's Ways are Not Our Ways

“Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without next-of-kin; and may his name be renowned in Israel! He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has borne him.” Ruth 4:14-15

I remember when I did my Emmaus many years ago, they recommended that we should read the Bible on a daily basis. But at the time, I found the Bible to be a bit boring. I was not ready to exchange my romance novels for the Bible. Little did I know that the Bible was filled with romantic stories, suspense novels, mysteries and the most interesting tales. Today, I hardly have time to read any romance novels. I want to read and study every book of the Bible. And Ruth tops the list. I'm glad that my parish is doing a four-week study on Ruth in just a few weeks. Reading it these past few days has just given me a glimpse and now I want to learn all the hidden meanings behind every sentence. 

Today we conclude this fascinating story: Ruth Chapter 4

Boaz doesn't waste any time, after Ruth proposes to him, to go find the mysterious relative that has rights over Ruth before him. Boaz is very smart. At first, he doesn't mention Ruth. He tells the relative that Naomi is selling the land that belonged to her late husband. The relative, of course, is interested in acquiring the land. But then Boaz drops the bomb. The land is part of a package deal. If he takes the land, he must also take Ruth. The relative wants the land but he is not interested in Ruth. He tells Boaz, "take my right of redemption yourself."

This is a blessing for Boaz because he is very interested in Ruth. He fulfills his duties with love and joy. And in doing so, he has just become a link in God's plan of salvation. Ruth and Boaz get married and they have a baby boy whom they name Obed. Their hope and inheritance all rest on this infant. He will carry on the family name and inherit the land. He will be King David's grandfather and will become another branch in the family tree of the Messiah.

It fascinates me to see God's plans evolve. God's ways are definitely not our ways. It's like looking at a knitted tapestry from behind. All we see is a mess of threads, knots and colors without shape or form. But God sees the finished tapestry from the front. He knows that from that mess of threads, knots and colors, a beautiful pattern will emerge. His designs are often beyond our understanding but all we need to do is trust that from the mess of our lives, He is knitting a beautiful tapestry that is part of His plan of salvation. 

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