I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lenten Journey: The Lord was with Joseph

"The Lord was with Joseph and he became a successful man." Genesis 39:2

The Bible summarizes Joseph's trip to Egypt in one short sentence: "And they took Joseph to Egypt." (Genesis 37:28) Even though the Bible doesn't give us any details, we can be certain that his trip to Egypt was not a walk in the park. It was probably a very long and difficult trip. Joseph was now a slave so I am sure he had to walk the entire trip, tied with chains, treated like an animal and all he had to look forward to is a life of servitude in a foreign land where he doesn't even know the language.

When I visualize Joseph's trip to Egypt in my mind, I can't help but compare it to Jesus' walk to Calvary. They were both treated like scoundrels, laughed at and humiliated. They were both stripped of their clothing and their honor. Jesus was weighed down by the cross while Joseph was weighed down by his chains. But in both cases, God had a plan.

Once Joseph arrives in Egypt, he is taken to the market to be sold as if he was a piece of meat. He is purchased by Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard. Despite his horrible situation, the Lord was with Joseph so that everything he touched was abundantly successful. Potiphar noticed and he promoted Joseph. The slave was now in charge of his master's house.

No matter what horrible situation we may be going through, the Lord is with us. He has a plan, we just need to trust Him. But we must stay alert because the enemy doesn't want God's plan for us to be fulfilled. He is going to try to do everything in his power to separate us from God. But we don't have to fear, God is near. God is more powerful than the enemy and He will help us overcome all the temptations that the enemy will surely place in our path. "We must have confidence in Christ's victory over suffering and death." St. John Paul II

Joseph had grown into a handsome and muscular young man. Potiphar's wife wanted him. She is the mistress of the house and she commands him to lie with her. Here's the enemy at work trying to separate Joseph from God's plan. But Joseph trusted fully on God and he resists every advance. Out of jealous anger and to get even with him for refusing her advances, Potiphar's wife accuses Joseph of attacking her. She has his garment, which she ripped from him, to prove it.

Potiphar believes his wife and he sends Joseph to prison. Just when we thought things were starting to get better for Joseph, they take a turn for the worst. But even in prison, God was with Joseph. It doesn't take long for the prison keeper to notice it and he puts Joseph in charge of the prison and all the prisoners.

Joseph was the perfect example of "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." He never lost faith in God and God turned something good out of every bad situation. God had a destiny for Joseph just like He has a destiny for each of us. And just like the Lord was with Joseph, He is also with each one of us. God is faithfully working out His plan for us while we wait. The waiting may be difficult, our situation horrific, but we have to obey and trust Him, with the assurance that He will bless us. "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

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