I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Lenten Journey: Stand Firm in Your Faith

"One who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals." Matthew 3:11

Yesterday I spent the day anticipating Alex's arrival. My baby was coming home for spring break and I was filled with anxiety. I kept checking my phone to see if he had texted me. I must have checked the flight at least ten times to confirm the time of arrival. And when I finally saw him, after a two month absence, all the anxiety melted away and was replaced by excitement at having him home for ten days.

John the Baptist must have had similar feelings as he waited for the arrival of the Messiah. He didn't have the benefit of technology, so he didn't know the date or the time. He must have looked towards the horizon hundreds of times, wondering when he would spot Jesus walking towards him. And when he finally saw him, he must have felt great joy and excitement that his mission was about to be fulfilled.

While John waited for Jesus, he wasn't sitting around doing nothing. He was busy preparing the way for the Lord, by preaching and baptizing people in the Jordan River. Many thought that John was the Messiah, but he was quick to correct them. He had a clear vision of his mission. He knew that his job was to announce the coming of Christ, not to take his place. He was merely a messenger sent by God to proclaim the good news. He knew that once Jesus showed up, his work would be finished. But he was humble enough not to mind passing the torch to Jesus. He didn't want to be on the spotlight. He knew that the glory belonged to God.

Jesus finally arrives and to John's surprise, requests to be baptized. John doesn't feel worthy to baptize the Son of God but Jesus insists. This is one of the greatest acts of humility by both Jesus and John. Jesus did not need to be baptized. He was sinless. But he requested baptism as a way of identifying himself with us. And John, in humility, obeys him and baptizes him.

John, like many of Christ's followers, faced a horrible death. But even in his death he taught us to stand firm in our faith no matter what the circumstances. At some point in our life, our faith will be put to the test. Hopefully we will remember John the Baptist who clinged to Jesus and stood firm in his faith until the very end.

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