I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Help me Reach my Ultimate Goal

Lord, my God, bestow upon me an understanding that knows You, diligence in seeking You, wisdom in finding You, a way of life that is pleasing to You, perseverance that waits trustfully for You, and confidence that I shall embrace You at the last. Amen. St. Thomas Aquinas

January 12, 2012

Dear Jesus:

I can't believe it's been one month since I last wrote on this journal. A lot has happened in this last month. I am here this morning visiting You in the Blessed Sacrament. I have prayed the rosary. I have thanked You for all your blessings and I have placed my petitions at the foot of the cross.

Baby Nico went to heaven on December 13th. I know he's up there with You, playing with the angels. Please bring healing to his entire family. I went to the funeral mass. Even though it was very sad, it was also very beautiful. The faith and the love was palpable in the church. You were very much present there. Carolina, his young mom, spoke some beautiful words about her baby boy and they had a slide show of all his pictures. There was not a dry eye in that church. I hope that when we get to heaven, You will be able to explain to us why we have to endure so much pain here on earth.

As I was leaving the house before coming over to be with You, I grabbed "My Daily Bread" which I have not read in a couple of months. This is the message I received from You after reading just one page:

I want to live for the perfect happiness for which You created me. And I will find the perfect happiness when I reach heaven. That is my goal. My ultimate goal in life is heaven. Everything else is temporary. Everything I do must bear in mind my ultimate goal which is to reach heaven. Therefore, I have to be very careful that my thoughts, words and actions of each day are in union with You because You are the only one that knows the path to heaven. 

Everything I am and everything I have came from You. All my talents, gifts, and possessions were given to me by You. All the people in my life were placed there by You. Even my children came from You. You knew them before they were created and You picked me as their mother. What an honor and how much confidence You placed in me.

I love You so much Jesus. I could not conceive my life without You. I would not be able to walk one step on this earth if You were not guiding me. Everything I am and everything I possess, I offer it back to You. My mind, my talents, my whole being... I place it at Your disposal. I want to help You make this earth a better place. I want to help You improve Your kingdom. You are my King. I am your servant. Do with me what You want. Help me find my purpose. And help me to stay in the right path so that one day we can meet in heaven.

I do not comprehend why You took baby Nico so soon, but I do know for sure that he is up there in heaven with You. And for that, he is blessed. Baby Nico, pray for us. And guide your beautiful family to find their purpose here on earth, so that one day, they will reunite with you in heaven.

I love You, Jesus!!!

January 12, 2017

Dear Jesus:

It's been five years since You took baby Nico up to heaven. And his family has definitely found their purpose. They are doing amazing things through Nico's Promise. That little angel did more in just three months than many people do in their entire lifetime. His family turned the most painful experience that anyone can go through into a beautiful labor of love. And You in turn have blessed them with the beautiful gift that is Bella Nicole.

We all have a purpose. Sometimes it takes a painful experience for us to find it. Other times, it stares us right in the face but we choose to ignore it. But unless we embrace our purpose here on earth, the reason why God created us, we will never find the perfect happiness.

I know what my purpose is. Help me to be obedient so I can reach my ultimate goal.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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