I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Letters to Heaven: St. Anthony to the Rescue

"St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come down, something is lost and can't be found."

January 22, 2011

Dear Jesus:

We are three weeks into the New Year and I want to thank You for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon us. You are such an awesome God and I love You so much. You answer my prayers in small things as well as big things. Last night Rafi arrived flawlessly in spite of the freezing temperatures and the snow conditions up north. Thank You Jesus for always looking out for him. Rafael went to the airport to pick him up. I was going to go too but in the last minute I decided that it was not necessary for both of us to go. I had things to do at home, so I stayed behind putting away the clean laundry and picking up the house.

As soon as they got home, Rafi realized that he didn't have the bookbag with him. And his computer was inside the bookbag. On our way back to the airport (this time I went with them), I prayed to You and to St. Anthony. I have always heard that St. Anthony is good at finding lost items so I asked for his intercession. But deep inside, I knew that the chances of finding that bookbag were slim to none. Yet I also know that nothing is impossible for You.

Rafi was pretty sure that he had left the bookbag where Rafael was sitting down by the luggage carousel. When we got to the airport, almost an hour after they had left, Rafael and Rafi got off and I went to park. I had only driven a few feet when Rafael called me to say that they had found the bookbag. Rafi had been right, the bookbag was exactly where he thought he had left it. When they got there, a young guy was next to it and he was peeking inside it. Rafi told him, "that's my bookbag." The guy said, "I'm from the FBI." Obviously, he was just kidding.

Rafi thinks that if we had arrived five minutes later, the guy would have taken the bookbag. Maybe he's right, I don't know. I have a different theory, though. I think that he was the angel that You sent out to guard the bookbag. In the end, it really doesn't matter. Rafi found the bookbag and for that, I am very grateful.

Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, St. Anthony!

January 22, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Poor St. Anthony. He must be tired of always helping people find all sorts of things, from the serious ones to the benign. I was curious as to how he became the patron saint of lost items so I decided to "Google" it. (How did we manage without "Google" just a few years ago?). Anyway, this is what I found at https://www.stanthony.org/st-anthony-of-padua/:

"The reason for invoking St. Anthony’s help in finding lost or stolen things is traced back to an incident in his own life. As the story goes, Anthony had a book of psalms that was very important to him. A novice who had already grown tired of living religious life decided to depart the community. He also took Anthony’s psalter! Upon realizing his psalter was missing, Anthony prayed it would be found or returned to him. And after his prayer, the thieving novice was moved to return the psalter to Anthony and to return to the Order, which accepted him back. The stolen book is said to be preserved in the Franciscan friary in Bologna. Shortly after his death people began praying through Anthony to find or recover lost and stolen articles."

I must say that through his intercession, I have recovered many lost items from lost luggage to a lost cellphone. But I have never prayed to him to intercede for serious items like lost health.

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for all that have lost their health or their job or their mind or their faith or their country or their peace.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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