I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, January 6, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Thank You for the Miracles

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem... On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2: 1, 11

January 6, 2015

Dear Jesus:

Happy Three Kings' Day!!!

Another year came and went. I have hopes that 2015 will be a great year.

I know that it will be a miracle if my dad makes it through this year. But instead of looking at it from the point of view that he is leaving us, I am going to look at it from the point of view that soon he will meet You. What an honor and what a privilege.

I love You, Jesus. Happy Three Kings' Day!!!

January 15, 2015

Dear Jesus:

I am here at Mt. Sinai. My dad again. When are You going to give him a break? Yesterday he went through surgery of the lung. How much more are You going to send him before You take him home? Either cure him or let him rest. But please, give him a break. The past two years have been very tough. I know he's 86 and his health is deteriorating, but he really needs a break. And my mom too.

Today, I'm feeling a little impatient. So please, give me patience to accept the things I cannot change.

I love You, Jesus.

January 17, 2015

Dear Jesus:

Yesterday we had another scare. My dad's left lung collapsed. He still hasn't recovered fully from the surgery of the right lung and now we have the left one to deal with.

Father Gabriel came. He gave him the anointing of the sick and a special blessing. He stayed with us for a while, talking and praying with us. He is very nice. I pray to You for him, for his vocation. Thank you for sending him to us. He brought us a lot of peace, which You knew that we needed it.

Today I came to the hospital early and things are looking much better. My dad is off the respirator and he's just on regular oxygen. He's also more alert.

Thank You, Jesus, for helping him overcome another crisis. But once again, I beg you, please have mercy on him. Yesterday, Father Gabriel, in Your name, absolved him from all his sins. My dad is a good man. He has always been there for my mom and for me. Even in his suffering, his concern is that he is inconveniencing my mom and I. You helped him overcome the circulation issues that he had two years ago and the cancer that he had last year, so I know that if it's Your will, You can save him. But if he's not going to have quality of life, please let him rest in Your kingdom.

I love You, Jesus.

January 6, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today we are celebrating the feast of the Three Kings. And on this day that You received three special gifts, I want to thank You for the gift of my dad. As I read my journal from 2015, I realized that You gave us a miracle by allowing him to survive that year. Even though he had a rocky start, he got to go to Spain one last time with my mom at the end of 2015. We got to enjoy one more Christmas with him. You took him from us in June 2016, but I realize now that You gave us plenty of time to prepare. Even though I miss him tremendously and I felt his absence this Christmas, I feel at peace in knowing without a doubt that he is already enjoying Your kingdom.

Sometimes we don't realize that You give us small miracles every day. Thank you for the miracles.

I love You, Jesus. Give my dad a big hug from me.

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