I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Letters to Heaven: When Tomorrow Starts Without a Loved One

January 24, 2013

Dear Jesus:

Last night we celebrated the resurrection mass for Rafael Sr. All the grandchildren were heartbroken. They all had to say good-bye to a grandparent for the first time. Some kept the pain inside, but some just couldn't hold it and were inconsolable. It broke my heart because they are still too young to comprehend that this is not the end, it's just the beginning. Their grandfather's life on earth has ended but his life on heaven is just beginning.

Rafi gave me a book for Christmas titled "Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander MD. There is a beautiful poem in the book titled "When Tomorrow Starts Without Me." We used it in the memorial bookmarks that were given out:

When tomorrow starts without me

And I’m not here to see

If the sun should rise and find your eyes

All filled with tears for me

I wish you wouldn’t cry 

The Way you did today

While thinking of the many things

We did not get to say

I know how much you love me

As much as I love you

Each time that you think of me

I know you will miss me too

When tomorrow starts without me

Please try to understand

That an angel came and called my name

And took me by the hand

The angel said my place was ready

In heaven far above

And That I would have to leave behind

All those I Dearly Love

But When I walked through Heaven’s Gates

I felt so much at home

When GOD looked down and smiled at me 

From his golden throne

He said This Is Eternity

And All I promised you

Today for life on earth is done

But Here it starts anew

I promise no tomorrow 

For today will always last

And Since each day’s the exact same way

There is no longing for the past

So When Tomorrow starts without me

Do not think we’re apart

For every time you think of me 

Remember I’m right here in your heart 

Author: David M Romano

Rafael will live in our hearts until we meet once again in heaven. In the meantime, I hope You will enjoy having deep conversations with him about Cuba, politics and life in general. Heaven has gained a wise and gentle soul.

I love You, Jesus!!!

January 24, 2017

Dear Jesus:

When tomorrow starts without a loved one, it's very hard for those left behind. Since Rafael's passing, my children have had to say good-bye to two more grandparents. And it's been tough every single time. But as the poem says, I truly believe that "when we walk through heaven's gates, we will feel at home." I certainly hope that You will be there to welcome us inside. Tomorrow on earth is not certain, but You have promised us eternity. And I know that is where our loved ones are, sharing eternity with You.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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