I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, January 9, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Thank You for Riding the Rollercoaster with Us

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. —Psalm 46:1

January 9, 2008

Dear Jesus:

As You well know, the end of 2007 was like an intense rollercoaster ride for our family. Our perfect little world was rocked to the core of our foundation. Our life was turned upside down and everything else took a back seat.

As I sit with You today, I can't help but think of Your mom. She had a tranquil and peaceful life until she received a message from an angel that would forever alter her existence. In her case, she had a choice. She could have said "no." She didn't. She said "yes" and she embarked on the scariest but most divine rollercoaster ride.

Life is like that. We plan and organize and all of a sudden, something happens that sends our plans out the window. All our organization crumbles and we find ourselves in total chaos and turmoil.

Now is that I feel that I'm getting a grasp of my life once again. I went through Christmas as if I was in the midst of a tornado. But I survived, my family came through and we became more united. We realized what was truly important and now we are ready to continue our journey through another year.

Through the moments of difficulty and distress, I held on to You and I saw Your hand at work in my life. You also sent me many angels to help me through the ordeal.

I praise You, Jesus, for the mercy You have shown me and my family. Thank You for keeping our family united and for being at the center of our lives. Thank you for riding the rollercoaster with us. 

I love You, Jesus!!!

January 9, 2017

Dear Jesus:

As I look back on my life, especially the last decade, I feel like I have constantly been on a rollercoaster ride. There was a time when life used to be pretty peaceful, like a boat ride along the river with an occasional waterfall. But this past decade has been quite intense. And You know that I don't like rollercoasters. I don't even like the drop in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Magic Kingdom. But I have to thank You because I'm pretty sure that You don't like these ups and downs either, and yet, You have sat by my side the entire time. You have held my hand and You have allowed me to lien on You when the drop has been too much for me to handle.

I am looking forward to having a tranquil life. Please, let me navigate the next decade through placid waters. I pray to You for peace and tranquility. Mama Mary, pray for us and for all our family and friends who are also in need of a smooth journey. I know a lot of people whose life has also been an intense rollercoaster ride. They also need a break. I pray for all of them.You know who they are. Please give us all a break. But if we must continue riding the rollercoaster for a while longer, we thank You for riding it with us.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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