I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, October 20, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Keep the Storms Far Away

"Have caution in not allowing yourself to be struck down by adversity nor becoming vain by prosperity." — St. Clare of Assisi

October 20, 2008

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, another afternoon on the sidelines of the tennis courts. These tennis lessons that Alex is taking are really helping my writing, since while I wait for him all I can do is read or write. It's just so peaceful to be out here, and after a weekend of rain, today is a beautiful afternoon. I am surrounded by nature. I can hear the birds singing, and the crickets chirping. A little while ago, I saw a squirrel running amidst the bushes.

Jesus, I have learned in the two Spiritual Exercises that I have attended, that our main purpose in life is to serve You. Until we understand and comprehend that fully, our time here on earth will be a complete waste of time. Even though I continue to lead a normal life, my priorities have changed. I'm placing less importance on worldly things, and more on my spiritual life. This doesn't mean that I'm going to care less for my family, or abandon my responsibilities. On the contrary. By getting closer to You, I will be a better wife and a better mother.

Everyone in our family is doing fine. Rafi has settled well at Princeton, and he likes all his classes. Today, I talked to him via email, text, and he even called me to ask me a question. He sounds relaxed and happy, the complete opposite from last year when he sounded frustrated most of the time. He's studying for mid-terms which are already next week. I have been sending him emails talking a little bit about each of us, that way he can keep up with our lives. He will be here in eleven days for his fall break. I am so looking forward to spending time with him.

Chabeli continues to be very happy at UM. She is doing excessively well in all her classes, she has a part-time job, and she's very content. She joined the "Federacion de Estudiantes Cubanos" (FEC) and she has been doing community projects with them. She hangs out with a really good group of friends, some she knew from before, and some she has met at UM. They go to football games together, and all of a sudden, she has a very active social life. I am so happy for her.

Alex is also doing good at Belen, and he's also juggling a bunch of extra-curricular activities: guitar, tennis, and salsa. He joined the Builder's Club at Belen, and he's helping out in the CCD program at St. Catherine. Last weekend was "project" weekend. He had to do the famous "Hispanic" project. It took three days plus $150 worth of materials to re-create the "Arco de Santa Catalina" in Guatemala. These projects become family projects because it's simply impossible for these kids to do them on their own. I know many families that even pay for someone to do the projects for their kids. I would never go that far, I just use it as an opportunity for the family to work together while spending time with each other. I must say that it came out pretty nice. I guess we are getting better at it since this is our fourth project (two for Rafi and two for Alex). And that's not counting all the ones we had to do for St. Theresa. I am so glad that Lourdes does not make them do this.

Rafe and I are doing fine too. We walk when we can and weather allows it. When we do, we pray and meditate the scriptures.

It's nice to have all the members of our family enjoying life in peace and harmony. When everyone is happy, so am I. I'm enjoying the nice breeze, and praying it stays that way for a while. Keep the storms far way, please.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 20, 2017

Dear Jesus:

It's so nice when we are living in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, that rarely happens that is why when it does, we cherish it. This year has been very tough for a lot of people. We have had a lot of natural disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes, fires... A lot of people have lost everything. Many lost their lives. There have also been a lot of people diagnosed with terminal diseases, people that have lost a loved one, and many that are dealing with financial and legal issues.

I want to say a special prayer today for everyone that is going through a difficult time right now. Please Jesus, give them hope, give them a miracle, let them know that You are present.  
Please, Jesus, keep the storms far away. Allow us to enjoy the peace and the harmony in our family for a little while longer.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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