I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Letters to Heaven: The Traveling Troubadours

"We have to accustom ourselves to pray in all places and at all times." Dom Augustin Guillerand

October 4, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, in our Sacred Garden. I sit at your feet and look back at my week. I share with You how things have been. I love this time of the morning when all I can hear is the sound of the birds singing outside.

Alex got a couple more awards in a ceremony they had this week during school hours. He got the medal for "Academic Achievement" and he also got the "Honor Roll" certificate. I'm very happy for him. These achievements and recognition make him feel very proud.

The "Quince's" (Fifteenth Birthday Parties) season has begun in earnest. He had two invitations this weekend. He didn't go to the one on Friday because he went to the Belen Kick-Off dance instead. But last night, he attended his first "Quince's." My baby is growing up fast. It was a formal event in a hotel. He looked very handsome. Alex is very popular and outgoing. Yesterday morning, there were three girls outside his bedroom window waking him up. Oh boy, I'm in trouble, that's all I can say. Jesus, please keep him safe and happy.

Chabeli continues to do very well academically, socially, and in every possible way. And Rafi has been doing so good that I'm almost scared to rejoice. But I do rejoice, and I am so thankful. Rafi is right now leading a normal life thanks to the medication. Thank You for sending us to the right doctor who had the knowledge, insight, and wisdom that only You can provide, to find the right medication and the right dosage so that we could have our healthy Rafi back. Thank You, Jesus.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 4, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I am praying to You from a train, but I have gotten used to praying to You from anywhere and at anytime. "The real place to pray in is the soul, for God dwells there. If we wish to obey our Lord’s counsel when we pray we should enter the chamber of our soul, close the door, and speak to the Father, whose loving eyes seek ever our own. This inner chamber of our soul is the true temple, the sacred sanctuary, and we carry it with us and can at any time either remain there or quickly return to it, should we have been obliged to leave it" Dom Augustin Guillerand. Thank You, Jesus, for dwelling in my soul and traveling with me wherever we go. We are the traveling troubadours.

We left Budapest this morning and now are on our way to Vienna. Thank You for accompanying us on this first part of our trip, and for sending angels to protect us from those other evil angels that try to sneak up upon us. We already had one of these encounters in the form of a dishonest and unscrupulous taxi driver. We grabbed a taxi when we exited the Opera House. It's not recommended that we hail taxis especially at the tourist places, but we were in a hurry and it was the only taxi on sight. The driver engaged us in conversation: "Where are you from? What cities are you visiting?" He seemed nice enough so we had a pleasant conversation with him, unbeknownst to us that he was assessing us. At the end of our drive, he charged us 3,600 HUFs (approximately $14 which is a reasonable fare). We gave him 10,000 HUF (approximately $40), and asked him to give us back 4,000 HUF. He showed us a 1,000 bill and claimed that we had not given him enough for the 3,600 HUF fee. We thought that maybe we had made a mistake since we are not familiar with the currency, therefore we gave him an additional 5,000 HUF and told him to keep the change. We even apologized for our mistake. He must have laughed all the way to his house for having taking advantage of two dumb tourists. He will have to respond to You at some point. We realized our mistake when we reached our room and I checked my wallet. Earlier, I had withdrawn 25,000 HUF from an ATM machine, which gave me two 10,000 bills and one 5,000. I only had one 10,000 bill left, therefore, we had given him 10,000 and he took us for a ride. Oh well, our guardian angels are always looking out for us. We recovered 8,000 of the 9,000 we lost before the night was up. I hope the taxi driver has a family to feed, and that's the reason for his slimy ways. I have already forgiven him, and said a prayer for his soul.

At night, we had reservations for a Danube river cruise. The concierge asked us if we wanted to pay at the hotel or at the boat. He told us that if we paid him, it had to be in cash. If we paid at the boat, we could pay with credit card. We chose option two. When we arrived at the boat, we tried to pay but the lady insisted that we had a ticket, therefore we did not need to pay. We were not going to fight her so we didn't pay. We figured the hotel would charge it to our room, but they didn't. The cost of each ticket was 4,000 HUF therefore, we recovered 8,000 of the 9,000 the taxi driver took from us. I just hope he's married to the lady in the boat, so they can balance each other out. Thank You, Jesus and our guardian angels, for looking out for us.

Please protect our children as well, also members of "the traveling troubadours." At this point in time, while we are in Europe, they are in New York, Minneapolis and Connecticut. The only one left in Miami is Penny, our ferocious dog who is protecting our home.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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