I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Lead Me in the Dance

"Your life has meaning only when it becomes a dance with Jesus, your eternal Partner. So draw near to Him, lean in, and dance." Catherine Martin in "A Woman's Heart that Dances"

October 18, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Good morning! I am here spending a few minutes with You in the Blessed Sacrament. I need to find time to do this more often because I truly enjoy this quiet time with You.

I have been reading a book titled "A Woman's Heart that Dances." I have been receiving so many messages from You through this book. My relationship with You is a dance. If I let You lead me in the dance, I will be able to dance as well as Ginger Rogers.

You are the choreographer of my life. You are designing the movements and the steps. You are the one that chooses the music. Sometimes, You pick an upbeat sound and I'm twirling and jumping all across the stage of life filled with happiness. Other times, You choose a mellow melody and You lead me in slow quiet movements. Yet, many times, You pick a sad ballad, and as I dance with You, I cry. This is the hardest dance for me but I have learned that tears are as necessary as laughs. When I cry, my tears cleanse your wounds. I have also learned that I cannot run away from the pain. I have to embrace it, and bring it to your cross. I have to place everything at the foot of the cross: my tears and my pain, my laughter and my joy, my worries and my sorrows, my happiness and my peace. I offer it all to You, Jesus.

Please, lead me in the dance. I will follow your lead, and I will dance.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 18, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Let's dance. I need to sway across the dance floor with You.

Please, lead me in the dance. I will follow your lead, and I will dance.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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