I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Third Time is the Charm

"As a mother you are only as happy as your saddest child." Beth Moore

October 10, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Why is it that the peace lasts for such a short period of time? We were doing so well. All the kids were happy and thus, we were happy. But as Beth Moore said: "You are only as happy as your saddest child." Now, my saddest child is Chabeli, and thus, I am very unhappy.

Chabeli's heart has been broken into a million little pieces. It happened last weekend. A three-year relationship has come to an end and she is devastated. It breaks my heart to see her so sad. It has been a very rough week. There is not much I can do or say that will change the facts to make her feel better. All I can do, is be there for her when she needs a hug or when she needs a shoulder to cry on.

There is nothing that a mother wants more than to see her babies happy, and when they grow up, with the right partner. Aside from the fact that I feel like I have lost a family member, I am also very sad because she will be out there on her own, meeting a bunch of jerks, driving alone at night, and coming home by herself.

The message in yesterday's homily was "don't be anxious." I know that she's not alone. You will be with her. You will protect her. You will surround her with an army of angels. But I can't help worry because that is my nature.

Jesus, You better find her someone wonderful. I know that You already know who her forever partner will be. You just have to wait for the right time to bring him into the picture. Please, Jesus, let it be "third time is the charm." My little girl doesn't deserve to have her heart broken again. This is too hard for her. Please, find her a good, smart, hard-working, mature young man that has her same values as far as family, religion, home, work ethics, and that enjoys living in Miami so I can have her and my future grandchildren near me. Pick the right man for her just like You did for me 33 years ago.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 10, 2017

Dear Jesus:

It took three years for You to bring the right young man into the picture. He loves my girl, he's good to her, he takes care of her, and he makes her happy. And the most important thing is that Chabeli loves him. It looks like third time is definitely the charm.

Please, Jesus, bless their relationship, and if he is her forever partner, guide them through the path of happiness. Help them to realize that in order for a relationship to last forever, they must place You at the center.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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