I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven: My Ways are Not Your Ways

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Isaiah 55:8

October 8, 2014

Dear Jesus:

I'm leaving to Spain today. After ten years, I'm going back. I still can't believe it. I need to pinch myself. We are going against all odds. It definitely was not part of the plan for 2014. But I should know by now that my plans are not your plans, and my ways are not your ways.

My plan was to go to the Scandinavian countries in May. But then my dad was diagnosed with the angiosarcoma, and my plans were altered. We were left with an open ticket which we are using now to go to Spain. I'm sad that Chabeli and Alex cannot go. They were part of the original plan. But Alex is now back at school, and Chabeli can't take time off from work at this time. I will concentrate on the fact that this will be a nice get-away for Rafe and me. This year we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. This is our gift.

Today is my dad's 86th birthday, and I'm leaving him with concerns in my heart. My mom discovered another red spot on his head, the size of a quarter. She says it looks like the first one that was removed. Please, Jesus, don't let it be the sarcoma that is continuing to spread. He has not recovered fully from the first surgery. I don't even want to think about the possibility of him having to go through this once again. Please, have mercy on him, have mercy on his soul. If this cancer is more aggressive than we anticipated, please don't let him suffer.

I will pray for him from Spain. I know that if we don't go now, we may not have another opportunity. Please protect the kids and my parents while we are gone. Please protect us while we travel.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 8, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today, my dad is celebrating his 89th birthday. Please wish him a happy birthday from me. You took him to his heavenly home almost 16 months ago. I still miss him a lot, but I couldn't stand seeing him suffer one more day here on earth. The red spot that my mom discovered on his head three years ago turned out to be a new tumor. It was removed, which meant more skin grafts. He spent the last two years of his life in and out of hospitals. But in your mercy, You allowed him to travel one last time to Spain just nine months before You took him home. He was born in Cuba, but Spain held a special place in his heart. Thank You, also, for giving me a small window of opportunity to take that wonderful trip to Spain as well. That land of my ancestors, and where I spent my childhood, also holds a special place in my heart.

Right now, I'm on a train between Vienna and Prague. Once again, my plans are not your plans, and my ways are not your ways. We had to postpone our trip by two weeks, but the days turned out to be better for various reasons. The first is that we were able to spend Chabeli's birthday with her. The second one is that we were home when Alex had his car accident. The third one is that we were able to see a fabulous exhibition by Raffael, one of my favorite painters, which started at the Albertina Museum in Vienna on the 29th of September. We would have missed it if You had not altered our plans. We also got to see an amazing opera, "Don Giovanni." Our original tickets were for "Salome." I'm pretty sure that "Don Giovanni" was a much better choice, and when they exchanged our tickets, we got balcony seats with a much better view than where we were supposed to have sat originally. So your ways are definitely much better than mine.

Take charge, Jesus. You are our tour director. Please guide us and protect us on our second week. And please continue to keep watch over our family and friends back home.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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