I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, October 13, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Show me How to Be a Bright Light

"God is in love with us and keeps using you and me to light the light of love in the world. Let His light of truth be in your life so that God can continue loving the world through you and me. Put your heart into being a bright light." St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

October 13, 2008

Dear Jesus:

I am your instrument. You can use me. Show me how to be a bright light. The world needs You so badly. There is so little love.

Last week, they found a baby inside a garbage dump just a few blocks from my house. How can a mother carry a baby in her womb for nine months, and then throw him into a garbage dump after he's born? Lack of love. If a mother can do that to her own newborn baby, what can we expect from the rest of humanity?

A fourteen year-old child stabs a classmate to death in the bathroom of their school. Lack of love. Lack of compassion. Lack of feelings. Lack of emotions. Every day in the newspaper there is news of some horrific event. There is absolutely no value for human life. People just don't care. They have desensitize themselves from all feelings. There is such a lack of love, such a lack of God.

The topic of conversation everywhere is the economic crisis. That's all everyone seems to care about. We just don't realize that as bad as things may be here, we are rich compared to the rest of the world. We don't need to look too far. We have Haiti and Cuba right on our backyards. The pictures of the devastation left behind by the hurricanes should move the hardest of hearts, and yet, most people don't care. It's easier to look the other way, and to keep complaining about the economic crisis.

Lack of love. Lack of God. "Whatever you did to the least of my brothers, you did it to me." How can we meet You at the end of our lives if we live with such lack of care in the here and now.

You want us to help the needy, the poor, the forgotten. If we don't open our hearts to them, if we don't show them compassion and love, our hearts will eventually become pieces of cold stones without feelings.

Jesus, You have blessed us by giving us more than we need. It's time to show our appreciation and gratitude.

I love You, Jesus!!!

October 13, 2017

Dear Jesus:

We don't realize what we have until we travel. Yes, there's a beautiful world out there, but there are so many people in need. We see them on the street asking for a coin or a scrap. We want to help them all, but we soon realize it's simply impossible. And even if we give them our loose change, they are back at their same spot the following day.

We also see a lot of evil. We have to be on high alert 24/7, or we can easily become the victims of an unscrupulous taxi driver or a scammer who wants to steal from naive tourists like us. But we also see a lot of beauty, a lot of people with good hearts, hard working honest people at the hotels, driving taxis, buses, willing to help out. And that is what we need to concentrate on, and learn from them.

Today, we visited Notre-Dame de la Médaille Miraculeuse (Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal). We were blessed to arrive at the chapel just as mass was starting. We were pleasantly surprised that on a Friday at noon, the chapel was packed. It was standing room only. We were lucky to grab one of the last few spaces. It made me happy to realize that Your church is alive in Paris. After the mass, I noticed a couple of nuns talking to a man that was begging outside the church. I don´t know what they were telling him, but because of the smile on his face, I couldn´t help think that they were being a bright light to him.

Jesus, please show me how to be a bright light to everyone that I encounter, good or bad. And please, allow us to return home safely tomorrow. Keep our family and friends back home healthy and safe. And please, spare all the people in California that are being affected by the fires. Keep JC, Morgan, and all their friends safe and out of harm's way. As hard as it would be to lose property and valuables, all that can be replaced. A life cannot.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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