I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

20 Resolutions for 2020

I usually don’t write resolutions for a new year... but being that we are entering a new decade, I felt inspired to come up with a list this year. So here are my 20 Resolutions for 2020:
  1. I will forgive all who have hurt me in the past. Life is too short for anger and grudges. 
  2. I will apologize to those I have hurt in the past. Life is too short for hurt feelings. 
  3. I will do my best to help those in need. 
  4. I will spread love, kindness and compassion instead of gossip, resentment or prejudice.
  5. I will remove negativity from my life, including those persons that complain constantly. Negativity spreads so I will attempt to surround myself with positive people and positive thoughts. 
  6. I will give more compliments and less complaints.
  7. I will attempt to be more patient with bad drivers, rude retail clerks, restaurant waiters with poor manners, slow customer service phone operators, and especially, with my family. 
  8. I will attempt to send a hand-written note to twelve different persons... one per month. It may be a “thank you,” “get-well”, “encouragement” or “just because” kind of note. 
  9. I will spend less time on social media and more time face-to-face with those that truly matter. 
  10. I will commute productively by spending that daily hour in the car either praying, listening to an audiobook or reaching out to someone that I have not spoken to in a while. 
  11. I will be less perfectionist and more “go with the flow.” Life is not perfect so I don’t need to be either. 
  12. I will delegate tasks that others can do for me. I can do anything but I can’t do everything. 
  13. I will learn to accept change with a positive mindset. 
  14. I will hug my loved ones more. I am not a hugger by nature so this will require some work on my part. 
  15. I will treat myself kindly by making time to relax. I don’t need to finish everything today. 
  16. I will worry less about the future, stop living in the past, and simply enjoy the “now.”
  17. I will cultivate an attitude of gratitude by being more grateful for little things. And I will make time to write on my journal what I’m grateful for at least once a month.
  18. I will dedicate more time to doing what I enjoy most... writing. Therefore, I will continue writing my book.
  19. I will get out of my comfort zone by doing something different from my usual routine.
  20. I will walk into 2020 wearing a big smile. Frowns can stay behind in 2019. 
The 20s will be an amazing decade... if I have the right attitude... no matter what the future holds. 

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