I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

25 Steps with Mary: From Nazareth to Bethlehem-Day 11

"When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit." Matthew 1:18

Salome, Joseph's sister, came to visit me today very early in the morning. She is one of my closest friends in Nazareth. She wanted to know all about my visit to Elizabeth, and the birth of the mysterious child that everyone is talking about. Salome and me are as different as a lion and a lamb. I cherish my silent moments while Salome can never be quiet, not even when we attend the synagogue on the Sabbath. She is always laughing and dancing, even without music. At the same time, she has a heart of gold. She is always the first one to take a plate of food to the poor man that sits by the entrance to our town, and she always helps the older ladies to carry their dirty clothing to the river or to bring the water from the well.

I prepared a simple breakfast for her, made up of milk, bread and grapes. We sat to talk, and I told her everything that I had done during my three months with Elizabeth. "Do you think that John is the promised Messiah?" she asked me. I did not want to reveal too much, so all I told her was that I knew that he had an important mission, but I did not know if he was the Messiah. While I was with her, I felt weak and she had to help me get up. This had not happened to me while I was visiting Elizabeth, and it had to happen with Salome. "Mary, what's wrong? If I did not know you better, I would think that you were expecting." I must have turned the color of a ripe tomato, because she looked at me, and said: "I don't believe it. You are expecting." I told her, "Salome, it's not what you think..." She did not allow me to finish. "Mary, you don't need to be embarrassed. You are betrothed to my brother. You would not be the first woman to become pregnant before the official ceremony. In the eyes of the Lord, you are already married."

I decided that the best weapon was to keep silent, and not share more information than I needed to.  But Salome would not stop asking me. "Come on, Mary, you have to tell me. When did it happen? Was it before you left to Ein Kerem or when Joseph went to pick you up?" I finally told her to please not share the news with anyone since I still had not said anything to Joseph. "Don't worry, Mary, your secret is safe with me." 

Finally, after two hours, Salome left. I went to my room, and I knelt on the floor to pray. "Lord, you are my rock and my salvation. Please, You need to guide me. If Salome knows, pretty soon everyone else will know too. Salome is not known for being able to keep a secret. She will tell someone, and before long, Joseph will find out. Please, Lord, let me know what I should do. Should I tell him? And how? And when? I have so much confusion within my heart, that I need You. Do not abandon me now, oh Lord."

The day continued as if nothing was different. I broomed the floors and cleaned the dust from the furniture. Then, I went to find my aunt to help her with the clothing. She was washing in the river, so I stayed there to help her, and then to bring the pile of clean clothing back home to hang in the clothesline. We talked about my upcoming wedding. It seemed to be the preferred topic at all hours of the day and night. She was finishing my dress, and she wanted my opinion on which flowers to use for the headpiece. I could not care less whether she used daisies or jasmine. I had much bigger worries on my mind, but I did not want to disappoint my aunt, so I told her that daisies would be fine. "Who knows if there will even be a wedding?" I thought to myself.

At night, Joseph came to visit. He brought me wild flowers that he picked up on the way. We sat outside to contemplate the moon and the stars. He was so in love with me that it showed through his pores. He looked radiant and full of joy. I thought of telling him that night, but how could I destroy his happiness? "Let him be happy for a few more days," I told myself.

When he left, he hugged me, and told me that I smell like jasmine and lily of the valley. Oh, what I would have done to prevent the agony that his heart was sure to experience in a short amount of time. If I could stop time, I would have stopped it tonight.


Who are the people I tend not to think about much? Who are the people I would not miss if they were out of the picture? Lord, develop in me a compassionate heart, just like Salome.

Copyright © 2019 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

Resources from the following books are being used on this journey:
1. The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgement of the Divine History and Live of the Virgin Mother of God by Venerable Mary of
2. The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Fulton J. Sheen
3. Las Palabras Calladas: Diario de Maria de Nazaret by Pedro Miguel Lamet

4. My Soul Magnifies the Lord: A Scriptural Journey with Mary by Jeanne Kun

All Bible references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise specified.

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