I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, December 19, 2019

25 Steps with Mary: From Nazareth to Bethlehem-Day 19

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Last week, I received a huge surprise. Zacharias, Elizabeth and John came to visit us. They stayed with us for one week. John is already five months old. He is a robust and healthy baby. His eyes are deep and wise. I can tell that God has an important mission for him. Zacharias said it when he was born: “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways.” (1) John’s destiny is definitely intertwined with that of my Son’s.

I reprimanded them for taking such a long journey with an infant, but interiorly, I was so happy with their visit. It was so good to have my cousin by my side for this one week. I wish that she had been able to stay until my Son is born, just like I was able to be with her for the birth of John, but Zacharias has responsibilities as a priest, and there is so much unrest in our country that it would have been unsafe for Elizabeth and John to return by themselves. Therefore, I was thankful for the one week that we were able to spend together.

Elizabeth wanted to serve me, the way that I had served her during my visitation. But I only allowed her to do menial chores. Even in my eighth month, I am stronger than her. She looks fragile. The pregnancy and birth of John has taken a toll on her. And caring for an infant is no easy feat, so it’s been more difficult for her because of her advanced age.

Joseph took advantage of their visit, to go to Sepphoris, the capital, from where he had received a big assignment that would help our diminishing coffers tremendously. While Joseph was gone, having Elizabeth and her family with me was a huge relief. They kept me company during the day, and I did not have to ask my aunt to come stay with me at night. The days are now growing shorter, but they seem interminable when one is just waiting.

Elizabeth and I talked a lot, just like we did when I was in Ein Kerem. I shared with her my concerns regarding people’s expectations of the Messiah. Elizabeth is a wise woman, and this was her insight:

“God hates the sin and violence and injustice that have rendered gloomy His beautiful world, and therefore He comes into that world as a warrior, ready to fight. But He arrives stealthily, clandestinely—sneaking, as it were, unnoticed behind enemy lines. The King comes as a helpless infant, born of insignificant parents in a small town of a distant outpost of the Roman Empire.He will conquer through the finally irresistible power of love, the same power with which He made the universe.” (2)

She told me that by “insignificant” she meant humble and poor. “Mary,” she continued, “most people are expecting a King, of royal blood. God definitely has a sense of humor, because instead of choosing a queen with power, He chose a queen with no power but with a huge heart. You are a queen, Mary, even if the world does not consider you one. But God is sneaky, and therefore, He chose you because people would not notice you. He doesn’t want to arrive with noise and fanfare, He wants to sneak into our world unnoticed, so that He can reveal His plan in His time, not ours.”

Now that Elizabeth is gone, I ponder all our conversations, and I must agree with her. My Son is indeed a King, but not the kind of King that people are expecting.

After reading the Scriptures and saying my nightly prayers with Joseph, I retired myself for the evening. “Little Emmanuel, pray for us.”


How did Jesus conquer with love, and where am I called to do the same? How is God using me, an insignificant servant, to spread His seeds of love in my small corner of the world?

Copyright © 2019 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

1. Luke 1:76
2. Bishop Robert Barron Reflection 12-18-19

Resources from the following books are being used on this journey:

1. The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgement of the Divine History and Live of the Virgin Mother of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda
2. The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Fulton J. Sheen
3. Las Palabras Calladas: Diario de Maria de Nazaret by Pedro Miguel Lamet
4. My Soul Magnifies the Lord: A Scriptural Journey with Mary by Jeanne Kun

All Bible references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise specified.

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