I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

25 Steps with Mary: From Nazareth to Bethlehem-Day 10

“And Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned to her home.”

I am back in Nazareth. Four days after John was born, Joseph showed up in Ein Kerem unexpectedly. The family that I had traveled with from Nazareth, had already returned after their sick relative passed away. Joseph had a small break in his work, and decided to go pick me up. He did not want to risk that I would need to return by myself in a caravan with complete strangers.

On arriving at the house, Joseph was welcomed with indescribable reverence and devotion by Elizabeth and Zacharias; for now also the holy priest knew that he was the guardian of the sacramental treasures of Heaven, though this was yet unknown to Joseph himself. I received him in modest and discreet jubilation. Yes, I was very happy to see him, but at the same time, I was worried, because I knew that I would soon need to share my secret with him, and I did not know what his reaction would be. The spiritual part of me, wanted to trust God blindly, but the human aspect, was filled with doubts.

When I first saw Joseph, I knelt before him and asked for his blessing. I also asked for his pardon, for not having been by his side for nearly three months during my visit with my cousin Elizabeth. Joseph answered that there was nothing to pardon since I had asked his permission, and he had granted it. My duty was to serve my cousin Elizabeth, and I had acted accordingly.

We stayed in Ein Kerem until baby John was circumcised, but two days later, we departed. I was able to spend a few minutes alone with Elizabeth, Zacharias, and baby John, while Joseph mounted on the donkey our few possessions, and the food that we would take on our journey. Zacharias addressed me with the greatest reverence. “My Mistress,” he said, “praise and bless eternally your Maker, who in His infinite mercy has chosen you among all His creatures as His Mother, as the sole Keeper of all His great blessings and sacraments. Be mindful of me, your servant, before your Lord and God, that He may lead me in peace through this exile to the security of the eternal peace which we hope for, and that through you I may merit the vision of His Divinity, which is the glory of the Saints. Remember also, O Lady, my house and family, and especially my son John, and pray to the Most High for your people.”

Joseph was held in high veneration by Zacharias and Elizabeth; for they had come to know his high dignity before he himself was yet aware of it. Zacharias gave him a blessing, and Joseph, happy in his Treasure, the full value of which as yet he did not know, took leave of all and we departed for Nazareth.

The first part of our journey, we were on our own. Once again, I noticed angels accompanying us, and even though the angels were in corporeal form, they were visible only to me. This time alone with Joseph, gave me time to converse with him. We spoke about what had been happening in Nazareth while I was gone, and about the preparations for our wedding. He told me that everyone was very excited about the upcoming nuptials, which would take place in less than two months. We also spoke about deeper subjects of our faith. We talked about the salvation of souls and the mercies of the Lord, of the coming of the Redeemer, of the prophecies given to the ancient Fathers concerning Him, and of other mysteries and sacraments of the Most High.

When we reached Jerusalem, we joined a caravan that was traveling towards Nazareth, since it would not be safe for just the two of us to travel alone. Even though there was an army of angels guarding us, Joseph was not aware of their presence, so for his peace of mind, I allowed him to make the arrangements. We spent one night in Jerusalem, and the next morning, we were on our way with a group of twenty-one travelers made up of men, women, and children.

The return trip was much easier than the journey from Nazareth to Ein Kerem. We did not encounter any bandits in our path, nor any wild boars. The worst part of the journey was the heat. We were already at the peak of summer, and it was excruciatingly hot when we were crossing the desert. Joseph did everything in his power to lighten my discomfort. I proceeded most of the way seated in the saddle of the humble beast that Joseph had brought me for the journey.

It took us four days to return to Nazareth. And here I am now, knowing that a Holy Life is growing within me, but still keeping the secret to myself. I can hear the barking of dogs in the distance, while I sit in the same chair where the angel found me more than three months ago. Oh, how I wish that the angel would return, and give me a hint as to how I should share the news with Joseph. But all I have around me is silence. No angelic light, no holy vision.

Please, Lord, tell me what to do. Should I tell him? Or should I just wait until he notices? I can already feel a small bump in my belly. In another month, I will not be able to hide it any longer. What should I do, Lord? Please enlighten me.


Joseph was held in high veneration by Zacharias and Elizabeth for they had come to know his high dignity. What can I learn from Joseph’s example? What is his place in my life?

Copyright © 2019 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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