I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

25 Steps with Mary: From Nazareth to Bethlehem-Day 4

“Elizabeth became pregnant, and she kept herself in seclusion for five months, saying,‘This is the way the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favor upon me, to take away my disgrace among men.’” Luke 1:24-25
Today was quite a busy day. It started as usual. I woke up early, said my morning prayers, and then I baked some bread for our breakfast. My uncle left the house early with the promise that he would inquire if anyone would be going to Ein Kerem in the next few days, or at the very least, to Jerusalem which is only two leagues distant from Ein Kerem.

Once my uncle left, I told my aunt that I was going to work on his new tunic. His birthday is coming up soon, and I’m sewing him a new tunic as a gift. The one he currently has is very old, and has been mended so many times that it’s starting to look like a patched up tablecloth.

When my uncle began to question our neighbors if anyone was planning to go towards the region of Judea, it turned out that a family from Nazareth was leaving to Ein Kerem the next day to visit a sick relative. He rushed back home, and entered the house almost running. I had to rapidly hide his tunic in the basket so he would not see it, but he was in such a hurry that he did not even notice.

“Mary, Mary,” said my uncle. “A family from Nazareth is leaving to Ein Kerem to visit a sick relative, but they go tomorrow at first light. You must hurry if you want to visit your cousin for an opportunity like this will not come around twice.”

I jumped up from my chair, and rushed out of the house to find Joseph. He was at his carpentry shop working on a wooden cradle. The irony of it did not escape me. I would need a cradle too in a short amount of time, but Joseph had no idea.

He was surprised to see me as it was not my custom to visit him at the shop. “Mary, what are you doing here? Has something happened?” “No, Joseph,” I told him. “Nothing serious has happened, however, I have found out that my cousin Elizabeth whom everyone thought was barren, has conceived in her old age and is now in her sixth month. I feel that it is my responsibility to go to Ein Kerem to help her since Elizabeth is like a sister to me. But I would like your permission and your blessing for me to go on such a long journey.”

Joseph smiled, and said to me: “Mary, if you feel you must go, then I will not stand in your way. Just be careful and take care of yourself during the journey. The dirt path that wounds through the mountainous region is a popular place for bandits, who could surprise unsuspecting travelers. I wish I could go with you but I have a lot of work right now that I must finish. I would be more comfortable knowing that you are going with persons that we know.”

I hugged Joseph and I told him that he was the most generous and caring man on earth. I explained that I would be leaving at first dawn with a family that we both knew well, and that I would return just as soon as Elizabeth was able to care for the baby on her own. “It will be four months at most,” I said to him. “And my aunt with all her lady friends will continue with the wedding preparations while I’m gone. I promise you that there will be no delays, and as soon as I return, the wedding can take place as planned.”

He took my hands, and said to me: “I trust you, Mary. I know that you will return and soon I will be able to take you into my house as my wife.” I felt awful keeping my secret from him, but I knew that the time had not yet come for me to reveal it.

I rushed back home to prepare my few belongings for the arduous journey. I was almost done, when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it, and there was Joseph with a donkey by his side. “I thought that this humble beast would help make your journey more comfortable, so I place it at your service, Mary.” If I had not loved him already, I would have fallen in love with him right then and there. I thanked him for his generous offer and I accepted it.

My aunt and uncle helped me to mount everything on the donkey, and I retired for the night. I read the scriptures, said my evening prayers and now I must go to sleep because in just a few hours I will need to wake up to begin the journey. However, I am so excited that I know I’m going to have trouble sleeping tonight. I can’t wait to see Elizabeth. She’s going to be so surprised to see me. I will definitely share my secret with her because if someone will understand, it will certainly be her who has also received a gift from God. If nothing else, at least Elizabeth will believe my story about the angel appearing to me, and letting me know that Elizabeth was six months pregnant.

Please Lord, allow this visitation to have the fruits that my heart so desires. Please, let Elizabeth understand and comprehend what I am going through, and give me some advice as to how I should approach Joseph. And please, allow me to serve her in the last stages of her pregnancy. May all go well for her, and may she bring forth a healthy baby into this world.


How do I respond to God when He asks the unimaginable of me? How can Mary’s example help me trust God and His intentions for me? I must trust that God has my best interests at heart. Even when He asks me to do something that seems impossible for me to accomplish, I can use Mary as an example of strength and courage in the midst of uncertainty.

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