I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, April 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: I Don't Want Them Anymore

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”—LUKE 12:25–26

April 22, 2006

Dear Jesus:

Here I am spending time with You in the Blessed Sacrament. I can see You, yet I cannot feel You. Maybe I'm trying to feel You in a super natural way and that's not going to happen. Maybe the peace that I feel inside of me is You.

This past year, my prayer life and my communication with You have improved a lot. I need that half an hour of meditation before I begin my day. I feel much more calm and at peace when I place my trust in You. As long as I make time for You everything falls into place.

As You well know, I am a worrier. I worry about everything. I worry about my children. I worry about my husband. I worry about things that need to be done. I worry about lack of time. I worry about my work. I am always worrying about something. And I ask myself, why do I worry so much? What is the point? All I need to do is hand my worries to You. 

You will take care of my children. They are your children too. You gave them to me so of course You will take care of them. 

You will also take care of my husband. You always have, why would You stop now? You have always provided a good job for him. You have always helped him when he needs to make an important decision. I know that You will continue to take good care of him. 

Lack of time has always been a struggle in my life. The days don't seem to have enough hours and the nights have even less. Maybe I try to do too much in a day. You give me enough hours to accomplish the important things. Those that remain undone, they must not be so important after all. As long as I find time for You in my day, and time to spend with my family, all is good. The rest is secondary.

My work will still be there tomorrow so why should I worry so much about it? What I can't finish today, I will take care of tomorrow. And if I can't get to it tomorrow, there's always the next day.

If I worry less during the day, I will be able to sleep better at night. So from now on, I'm worrying less so I can sleep more. You can have my worries, Jesus. I don't want them anymore.

I love You, Jesus!!!

April 28, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Worry has always been a heavy burden in my life. That is the reason why this year, for Lent, I decided that instead of giving up chocolate, I would give up worrying. I transferred my worries to You. And I don't want them back, thank You very much. You can keep them. Life is much easier when You carry my worries.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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