I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, April 10, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: You Must Be at the Center

"A division occurred in the crowd because of Him." John 7:43

Holy Week: Monday, April 6, 2009

Dear Jesus:

It's Monday of Holy Week and I have come to visit You in the Blessed Sacrament. I feel such peace in my heart.

I was meditating about the events that took place 2,000 years ago. The people were very divided because of You. Unfortunately, today, we are still as divided. There is division among Christians. Even, within the Catholic Church, there is a lot of separation.

There is also a lot of discord among families. I know parents that don't talk to their children. There's a lot of sibling rivalry that causes a lot of pain and anger. Grandparents have been forgotten in nursing homes. Most families don't even have time to sit down and enjoy a dinner together.

A few times during your ministry, You said that You came to divide. "Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!" Luke 12:51. But I don't believe that is what You wanted. You wanted to unite, not to divide. But You also know us very well, and You know that not all of us will accept your teachings. That alone will create division. 

We need to bring You back to the center of our lives. We need to place You in the midst of our families and our churches. If we do that, instead of pain and anger residing in our hearts, love will take its place.

Thank You Jesus for walking this Lenten journey with me. Thank You for teaching me the way back to love. When we forget how to love, we walk without direction. But with You at the center, life has direction once again.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Holy Week: Monday, April 10, 2017

Dear Jesus:

You are asking us to unite. Please help us to remember that always. We get so caught up on trivialities, that we forget what is truly important. There are so many families in pain because they are so divided. And most of the time, it all began with something insignificant.

Today, on this Holy Monday, I want to pray for all families. May reconciliation take place and may the gaps dissipate. May You reign at the center of all families once again.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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