I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Keep Calm and Carry On

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5

Week 5: April 6, 2014

Dear Jesus:

"Keep calm and carry on." What a great phrase. I first heard it when Chabeli was studying abroad in England. Now, it's popular here too. And Max Lucado titled one chapter in his book "God will carry you through," with this phrase. How appropriate for me at this time of the year.

"Keep calm and carry on." I need to keep repeating this phrase. And like Max Lucado suggests in his book, I am asking You, Jesus, to give me an index card sized plan. If I divide everything that I have to do in two to three simple steps per day, I can get through life. I know that You are in control and You are carrying me through.

As I continue to read about other people's struggles in the book, I have to stop and say: THANK YOU. Thank You for all the blessings. You love me so very much. Sometimes, I feel that I'm not worthy of so much love. But You don't give up on me.

Please, continue to love me, don't give up on me, and shower me with your merciful embrace. And please, please, help me to sleep at night.

I love You, Jesus.

Week 5: April 8, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You because this year, sleep has not been a problem. I'm finally learning to truly "keep calm and carry on." I gave up worrying for this Lent, and even though there were moments when the "worry bugs" attacked me, overall, I've done pretty good. Now I just need to carry it beyond Lent.

"Keep calm and carry on." My motto for the rest of this year.

I love You, Jesus.

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