I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: You are my Guide and my Light

"Trust is a golden pathway to heaven. When you walk on this path, you live above your circumstances. My glorious Light shines more brightly on those who follow this path of Life." Sarah Young in Jesus Calling

Week 5: March 19, 2015

Dear Jesus:

Here I am visiting You in the Blessed Sacrament. I had not planned to come visit You today, but somehow, You led me here. After dealing with the heavy Miami traffic for the last hour, I needed this reprieve.

Last night, I had a really hard time falling asleep. I prayed the rosary, but it didn't help. I watched a movie, "Mom at Sixteen." I cried like an idiot but at least it calmed me down, and then I was able to sleep.

The reason why I couldn't sleep is because I'm anxious about many things. Today, I want to pray for two special intentions. The first one is related to Alex. He just applied to a program that combines Engineering and Business. It's a difficult program, and if he gets accepted, he will be 26 credits behind. But that is the least of my worries. I just want your plan for him to be fulfilled. If this is the program where You want him to end up, then please open the door and guide him in that direction. If You have something else in mind for him, then please show him what it is.

The second special intention is for Chabeli. She has decided to move out. I know she was thinking about it, but I didn't think it would happen until the summer. Now, all of a sudden, it may be happening next month. An opportunity has presented itself where she can get a fully furnished studio for a very reasonable price. It will be available by April 15th, and she needs to decide quickly. We are going to go with her tomorrow night to check out the place. Please, if this is not the right decision for her, close that door. If the place is not safe in any way, if she's going to be in any kind of danger, please open our eyes and allow us see it.

Jesus, You are my guide and my light when it comes to my children. They would not be where they are today if it wasn't for You. You have always shown us the way. Whenever we have been at a crossroad, You have led us in the right direction. I have no doubt that in these two situations, You will also help us make the right choice. I am placing all my trust on You.

I know that things will work out according to your plan. It's just that while we are in the process of making the decisions, I can't help but worry.

Keep them safe. Keep them happy. Take them by the hand and lead them on the path that will eventually take them to You.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Week 5: April 5, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for answering my prayers two years ago for those special intentions. Alex got accepted into the Engineering program. He took four classes that summer in order to catch up. That didn't turn out to be such a good thing, but You taught him a big lesson through some growing pains. And eventually, he ended up combining Engineering with Real Estate. If it's your will, he will graduate at the end of this year.

Chabeli moved to the studio. When we went to check it out, we couldn't find anything wrong with the place. The neighborhood was safe. There were a lot of people in the area jogging, exercising and walking. The building had a high level of security which gave me peace of mind. Even though it was a studio, it was spacious and comfortable. It was definitely a good start-up place for her. She lived there for 18 months, and now she lives in a two bedroom apartment by the Miami River. I'm proud of my girl because she has become a very responsible and independent young lady.

As I continue this Lenten journey, I place my family in your hands. Please, Jesus, protect them always. Continue to be our guide and our light.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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