I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, April 7, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Thank You for Teaching Us How to Love

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to those who ask Him." Matthew 7:11

Week 5: March 15, 2008

Dear Jesus:

It's been almost two weeks since I have set some quiet time aside to be with You in solitude. I am at the peak of tax season and I feel my time dwindling by a thread. The best thing about the last two weeks is that I have been able to keep my Lenten commitment of attending one additional mass during the week. Last Saturday, I went to mass during the morning, and I also went to mass a couple of days ago to Church of the Little Flower. It had been one year since I had not visited Little Flower. It felt good to be home. This church holds many special memories. Each of my children has received two sacraments there. I have seen all three participate in "The Stations of the Cross." I have attended many school masses and many Sunday masses. It was also good to run into old friends.

Today, I feel very happy. My three "pollitos" are home. All three are sleeping in their beds right now. Mother Hen is content and at peace. This will only last three days. Even though Rafi is home for one week on spring break, Chabeli is leaving to New York on Tuesday. It will be the longest separation from her. She has been to Washington DC twice to attend the March for Life, but that was just for four days. On this trip, she will be gone for six days.

I am letting her go and I am entrusting her to You, Jesus. I release her to You to care for and protect her while she's away from us. Please keep her away from any danger. And help me to feel the peace of knowing that You are in control. I rely on You for everything, Jesus, and on this day, I entrust my daughter to You. I release her into your hands. Please Jesus, take care of my little girl while she is in New York.

Chabeli is looking forward to this trip. She is excited and that makes me feel good because normally, she doesn't like to travel. She has a hard time being away from home, so I know that this trip will be very good for her.

In the meantime, I will enjoy the three days that You have given me to have all my children together under the same roof.

Thank You, Jesus, for my beautiful family. Thank You for my hubby and for my children. They are my most prized possessions. Thank You for teaching me how to love with all my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Week 5: April 7, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I am looking forward to this weekend. The past two weeks have been intense at work. I have been putting ten-hour work days, and I'm exhausted. I have ten days left of tax season, and then I can breathe.

But more than the end of tax season, I'm looking forward to Holy Week and Easter. I took a five-week study of the Passion, which I was able to fit in my very busy schedule, and I'm so happy I did because it was truly amazing. You are truly amazing. The love You feel for us cannot be compared to any love we humans have ever experienced. The sacrifice that You did for us... I have no words to Thank You.

I love my children more than life. I know that if I had to, I would give my life for them. But the Passion that You endured for us... I know that my body would not be able to endure it. Only with God's grace were You able to withstand so much pain.

And all You ask of us is that we love one another as You have loved us. And we can't even manage to do that simple task correctly.

Thank You, Jesus, for teaching us how to love. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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