I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Happy Easter

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” —MATTHEW 28:5–7

Easter Sunday: April 24, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Happy Easter! Today we celebrate your resurrection. It's one of the most important days of our Catholic faith... And it's raining outside. That in itself is very unusual. I don't remember too many rainy Easter's . 

Two years ago today we received the phone call that would change our lives forever. I can split my life in two: before April 24, 2009 and after April 24, 2009. Before, I lived a carefree life. I had worries, but they were not serious. Health was not too much of a concern. My biggest worry was when the kids went out and didn't get home until the wee hours. I also lived a very well planned life. I knew, from one year to the next, where we would go on vacation. I always planned ahead. Sometimes plans had to be changed or altered, but I pretty much knew what I would be doing the following day, the following week, the following month, and even the following year.

Since April 24, 2009, I'm scared to plan. I have had to learn to live an unplanned life... And I don't like it. I don't like to plan things from one day to the next. That is not me. I like organization. I like to have options and when things are done last minute, there are not too many options available.

I also worry a whole lot more since that day. I know that I need to trust You, leave it all in your hands... I know all that Jesus, and trust me, I try. But it's hard for me because once again, that is not me. I'm a worry wart. And I have come a long way. I don't even worry as much when the kids are out. Sometimes, I even fall asleep so deeply that I don't even hear when they get home. But I do worry about the future and the extended consequences of this illness that caught us all by surprise.

I am hopeful that it will all turn out fine because in these past two years, You have performed miracles. But allow me to worry and forgive me for worrying. I try, but the worry bugs just won't leave me alone.

Thank You, Jesus, for giving your life for us and for showing us that there is hope even when it all seems hopeless.

I love You, Jesus!!! Happy Easter!!!

Easter Sunday: April 16, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Happy Easter! And thank You for allowing me to have a mostly worry-free Lent. Thank You for teaching me how to trust and how to let go and let You take charge of my life and the lives of my loved ones.

Yesterday, I witnessed a miracle. After two months of waiting for April, the giraffe, to give birth to her calf, it finally happened on Easter weekend. What an amazing gift. I had a front row seat, through a live video cam, to witness your beautiful creation in all its glory. It took about three hours since hooves first appeared until the calf was all the way out. And within an hour, he was on his feet, nursing from his mama. But what amazed me the most was Mama April's love. Even while just two hooves were out, she kept turning her neck and licking her baby. And when the head was out, she was constantly kissing him. And as soon as the baby dropped to the floor, she turned around and began to lick him, encouraging him to get up. It was so beautiful to watch. A perfect gift on this weekend when we are celebrating your resurrection and we are celebrating new life.

In the past eight years, I have witnessed many miracles. What seemed at the time to be the end of the world, was just the beginning. We just had to adapt and learn to live differently. And You have carried us in more ways than I could possibly explain. Yes, my Rafi has a serious illness and he needs to always be on high alert, but he has taught me so much. He has never said, "why me?" He never complained, even when he was at his worst. He had to take a year off from school, but he gained so much by it. In that year, he found his vocation, and when he returned to college, in one of those Computer Engineering classes, he met his love, his soon-to-be-wife, his Emily. I have so much to be thankful for. When life seems to turn upside down, it's just a detour on the road. And through his illness, I have met so many amazing people. And You have shown me that You always have a plan. And You can write straight out of crooked lines.

I love You, Jesus!!! Happy Easter!!!

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