I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You are Our Light in the Darkness

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” —John 8:12

December 31, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Today is the last day of the year. And I’m so glad it’s over because 2009 has been a pretty bad year. I don’t need to go over everything that happened with You because You already know. I have been whining and complaining all year long, so You must be pretty sick of it already. I’m just happy it’s over, and now, I’ll look forward to 2010.

I want to thank You, though, because as bad as this year has been, I must admit that it ended up pretty well. The most important thing is that Rafi is doing fine, and he will return to Princeton next month. He’s still on medication, but as he says, it is the “miracle drug” for him. Thank You, Jesus, for making him healthy again.

I am entering the New Year with a very positive outlook on life. No more whining or complaining. I am happy and full of gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

Happy New Year, Jesus!!!

December 31, 2017

Dear Jesus:

As You well know, 2009 was the toughest year of our life. When a family member gets diagnosed with a serious illness, like cancer, it’s as if a bomb was dropped in the middle of your home. Life, as you know it, stops. Your whole life gets turned upside down, and your whole purpose and focus becomes finding a cure for your loved one. In our case, it was not cancer, but it was just as serious. Life, as we knew it, stopped. Our life became a nightmare from which we thought we would never wake up.

When a year ends, we have the tendency to think that everything bad that happened that year will end as well. We have 365 new days ahead of us with new possibilities, and with new expectations. It’s as if we are ending a book and starting a new one. We make new resolutions and create new goals. Unfortunately, many times we carry into the new year both the good and the bad. There are certain things that are out of our control, but the one thing that we can control is our attitude. We can change our attitude of whining and complaining. We can change our attitude of seeing the negative in everything, and we can develop an attitude of gratitude. Even when we’ve had a pretty rough year, we can find the positive within the bad. We can find the light in the midst of the darkness. We can be thankful for the good things, but also be thankful for the bad things. Even in the midst of tragedy, we can find something good to be thankful for. It could be a person that helped us through it. It may be what we learned from it. In our case, we became more united as a family, we met wonderful people that became angels in our life, and we are now committed to helping other families that are experiencing the same hardships that we did.

I know, Jesus, that for many, 2017 has been a pretty tough year. Please give them the strength and hope that You gave us in 2009. You were our light in the darkness. Be the light for all those families that are going through difficult times. As we say good-bye to 2017, may we not forget to dream, to hope, to love, and to forgive. Give us the strength to develop an attitude of gratitude no matter what difficulties we may encounter in our journey.

May 2018 be a year full of blessings for all. May You always be our light in the darkness.

Happy New Year, Jesus!!! 

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You Always Hold our Hand

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” —Proverbs 16:3

December 30, 2010

Dear Jesus:

Where do I begin? So much has happened in this month of December: Christmas, Alex’s 16th birthday, Rafi came home, Chabeli returned from England... I guess this last one is a good place to start.

Bringing Chabeli home from England was a nightmare. I don’t know how we would have survived those three horrible days if You had not been by our side. Thank You for sending us your blessed Mother to keep us company. Thank You for surrounding Chabeli with angels during the minutes, hours and days that she found herself alone and stranded in London.

Your Hand was present in every aspect of her ordeal. Even losing her luggage turned out to be a blessing. She would not have been able to haul over one hundred pounds of luggage all by herself from hotel to hotel. Finding her a hotel where she could recharge her phone was all thanks to You. Thank You for sending angels to protect her when she had to walk from the airport to the hotel by herself in the middle of the night. Thank You for allowing her to get out on the last flight that we were able to book, and for upgrading her to first class. And thank You for delaying the flight from New York to Miami to make sure that she would not miss her connection. Your hand print was visible all over. Thank You, Jesus. In spite of the agony that we felt during those three days when we did not know if she would make it home for Christmas, You held our hand and helped us through it.

I pray that everyone that was stranded made it home already. If there is anyone still out there stuck in limbo, please Jesus, help them get home for New Year’s. It was so nice to have all my babies home for Christmas. Alex turned sixteen on Christmas Eve so truly, I don’t have babies anymore. But to me, they will always be my babies.

Rafe got really sick on Christmas Eve. I think all the stress from Chabeli being stuck in the middle of that snowstorm on the other side of the world, and the fact that we only slept six hours in that entire weekend, finally caught up with him. He woke up with a fever of 104. And we were hosting Nochebuena. But the kids were very helpful with all the preparations. Rafi and Alex helped me to set up outside, Chabeli helped me with the food, and we were able to pull it off. Rafe stayed in his room all day and night. On Christmas Day, Chabeli and I went to mass by ourselves. We then went to Yordys and Melissa’s house. By nighttime, I was the one with the fever. I felt miserable for the next couple of days, but I’m doing better now, even though I’m still not 100%. Rafe is doing better too, even though he still has a cough.

Thank You, Jesus, for sticking with us through thick and thin. No matter how bad things may get, we can always count on You to hold our hand.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 30, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Things took a turn for the worst after I wrote You that letter seven years ago. I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, and all the kids got sick with the cold. We ended 2010 on a very bad note. But even when some years are not as good as we would like them to be, You are always by our side, and that is what truly matters. You always hold our hand, no matter what.

This year, on the other hand, is ending on a very good note. This has been a wonderful year for us in more ways than one. It has truly been a year filled with many blessings. We got to spend a lot of time with family and friends. Overall, it has been a very healthy year. Our kids are all happy and doing fine. The icing on the cake was Alex’s graduation from college and finding an amazing job in Dallas. I have been praying to You to lead him and guide him in the right direction. Even though, as a mom I would have loved for him to have found a job in Miami, I admit that this company in Dallas was handpicked by You. You placed it right on his lap. And You closed all the other doors. So Dallas it is. Thank You, Jesus, for handing him this opportunity on a silver platter. We are super happy and excited for Alex. We will start 2018 by visiting Dallas and helping Alex find a good apartment in the right neighborhood. Please guide us like You have always done in the past.

Please, Jesus, take care of my family and protect them always. Please always guide us down the right paths. Thank You for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon us during this past year. May 2018 be just as wonderful. Among other things, we have a wedding to plan. And I know, that no matter what the New Year will bring, You will always hold our hand.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Christmas: Happy Birthday Jesus

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

December 25, 2008

Dear Jesus:

Happy Birthday!!! All I can think today is how humbly and simple You arrived to this world. God chose to send You as poor and as humble as we could possibly imagine.

Sometimes I think that I can only find You in greatness. Only great people become saints. Only great people can do extraordinary things. But that is not the case. You came to us in the most ordinary way. You always choose ordinary people to do extraordinary things. They become great after their ordinary lives become the focus of the world because of the extraordinary things that they do.

Please, Jesus, help me to recognize the extraordinary in all the little things in my life.

I love You, Jesus!!! Have a Merry Birthday!!!

December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus:

Today, we celebrate your birthday. I hope that You are happy with the place that I prepared in my heart for You, even though I know that I could have done a better job. I allowed the stress of the season to overcome me. All the shopping, the parties, the “compromisos” overwhelmed me to the point that I forget to make room in my heart for You.

Today, however, I made room for You. I went to mass and I paid attention. I meditated on your birth. Yes, we also had gifts, we enjoyed opening them, but it’s all part of the ritual. I truly do enjoy giving. I love seeing the kids’ faces when they open their gifts. I just have to be careful not to allow the excitement of it all to overshadow your birth. You are the reason for the season and I must not forget.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

December 25, 2015


Oh, how Mama Mary must have felt when She held You in her arms for the first time. It must have been a combination of incredible love, awe, fear, and a sense of responsibility that She had to take care of You and protect You.

Those are the feelings that I experienced when I held each of my children for the very first time. The youngest, Alex, celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday. He almost shares a birthday with You. What an honor. He doesn’t realize it now but I hope that he does one day. It is an honor to share this day with You.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

December 25, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today is Christmas. Today we celebrate your birth. I have spent four weeks preparing a place in my heart for You. I wanted to make sure that there would be room in my inn for You. Many years, I have allowed the stress of the season to occupy every room in my inn. But not this year. This Advent, I have made time to prepare my inn to receive You. And it’s been the most peaceful Advent that I’ve had in years.

Thank You, Jesus, for coming down to earth to live among us. Thank You for teaching us what truly matters. Thank You for giving us the gift of You. You are Christmas. You are the reason for the season.

I love You, Jesus!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: My Christmas Eve Baby

“Hope today starts and ends with joy. Hope today gives every reason to praise the Lord. Hope today makes you smile forever. Happy Birthday to my Christmas Eve baby.”

December 24, 2009

Dear Jesus:

My Christmas Eve baby is 15 years old. I can’t believe that soon he’s going to be driving. He had a getty last Sunday for his birthday, and I would look at him, having a good time with his friends, both boys and girls, and I kept thinking, “when did he grow up so fast?” It felt like “déjà vous.” I was going through these same things with Rafi and Chabeli just a few years ago.

Thank You for sending him into our lives fifteen years ago. Please, take care of him and protect him always. May he always choose his friends carefully and wisely. Place the right ones in his path.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 24, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today, Alex is turning 23 years old. Wow!!! Happy Birthday, my Christmas Eve baby.

He just finished college. He got an amazing job offer in Dallas, so he will be moving there in less than three weeks, and I just can’t keep up with all these changes in his life. It seems like it was just a few weeks ago when I brought him home for the first time on Christmas Day. He came early. He wanted to make sure that he would not miss out on the most wonderful time of the year. So even though he was due to arrive with the Three Kings, he asked Santa to drop him off on Christmas Eve.

I had an easy delivery so I asked the doctor if I could take him home within 24 hours. The hospital was deserted so I figured I would be better off at home surrounded by my family. So on Christmas Day, dressed in red pajamas, I took him home. And he was the best Christmas gift for Chabeli. That year, she completely ignored her toys. Her new baby brother was all she cared about. Rafi was too much into his Power Rangers to pay much attention to a crying baby. But Chabeli became my shadow. She wanted to help out with everything.

Thank You, Jesus, for surprising us with Alex. He is the best gift that You could have ever sent us. He came to complete our family. He has always been like a jingle bell. He brings joy, laughter and noise wherever he goes. Please protect him as he starts a new chapter in his life. Keep him safe in Dallas, and allow this experience to open great doors for his future. And continue to surround him with great friends.

I love You, Jesus!!! 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: The Best Christmas Gift

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”-Winston Churchill

December 23, 2016

Dear Jesus:

When did we turn your birth into such chaos? Your birth celebration should be just like your birth was: humble, peaceful, quiet and joyful. Instead, it has become extravagant, noisy, chaotic and stressful. Somewhere along the way, we forgot the true meaning of your birth. We have turned your celebration into a competition to see who gives the most extravagant gifts, or who receives the most quantity. We are over stressed with too much entertaining, attending too many events, eating too much and trying to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Even the decorations, sometimes, are way over the top when all You would like is a humble manger scene in a central spot in our homes.

Jesus, You came to bring us life. And my life, if it was truly centered on You, it would be peaceful. This means that You are not at the center because it’s anything but peaceful. It’s chaotic. I’m always stressed out. I always thought that when the kids became adults, I would have so much more time for myself. Instead, I feel like I have less time. Why is that? What am I doing wrong? Please, teach me how to simplify my life.

Jesus, You came to bring us joy. And my joy, if it was truly centered on You, it would be everlasting. Instead, my joy is fleeting. It’s based on the circumstances that surround me. If I truly trusted You, I would feel joy no matter what. It’s difficult, though, because our humanity gets in the way. How could I feel joy when my dad passed away? Well, in a way, I felt joy because he was no longer suffering, and I know that because he had such a good soul, he is enjoying heaven now. He better be because otherwise getting to heaven must be very, very hard. I still miss him every day, and when I realize that I’m never going to see him again here on earth, I feel sadness, not joy. Please, teach me to trust You so that no matter what happens, I can feel joy in the knowledge that You are in charge and You have a plan.

Jesus, You came to teach us how to be humble. If I was truly centered on You, I would be humble. But many times, pride gets in the way. Please, Jesus, teach me to be humble like your Mama Mary was humble. She never took credit for anything. She was the gate to You. Help me also to be a gate that takes others to You.

Jesus, help me to keep my eyes focused on You. I do not need to attend every celebration. The gifts that I give do not need to be extravagant. They should be simple and humble. The most important thing is the love I put in the giving, not the gift itself. As long as they come from the heart, that’s all that matters. And honestly, the best gift that I can receive is to be surrounded by my family. They are the greatest gift that You have given me. So, as long as I have a full house, messy and noisy, I’ll be happy and I will rejoice because once again, You will be born in our midst.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 23, 2017

Dear Jesus:

The other day, Alex asked me: “Mom, what do you want for Christmas?” My answer was, “I already have everything I need.” He said: “But mom, this year for the first time I have money to spend. I can buy gifts for all of you.” I told him: “Alex, the best gift that you can give me is to be with me and to go to mass with me on Christmas Day.”

The older I get, the less material things I want. I prefer experiences. I cherish more the time that I get to spend with my family than the things that I possess. As a matter of fact, I am trying to declutter because I have always been a “pack rat.” 

On the other hand, I have always loved to give gifts. Rafael always accused me of getting too much for the kids. He still does. He won’t be happy when he finds out that each of them are getting six or seven items. But I can’t control myself. I just love to surprise them. 

I can’t help but think that You also love to surprise us. You love to give us gifts. You don’t give us material things, but You give us plenty of blessings. And You also provide us with magnificent experiences. Right now, I’m sitting by the window and if I look outside, everything that I see is a gift from You. We are blessed with the most beautiful blue sky. Painters have tried to copy that blue but they just can’t quite get that mix that goes from very light blue, almost white, to a deeper shade in the horizon. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of this gorgeous blue sky.  

I am also surrounded by trees. Different types of trees. Rafi, who arrived last night, was telling me that he can’t relate palm trees to Christmas. He has definitely turned into a New Yorker. But here in Miami, palm trees are our reality. We don’t have many pine trees. Unless we want to decorate our palm trees, we must get our Christmas trees from out of state. This year, Father Robert Ayala, in St. Matthew, decided to decorate the church Christmas trees with lemons. He said that in South Florida, our reality is not pine cones, our reality is citrus fruits. Some people feel that unless it’s cold it doesn’t feel like Christmas. I felt that way when I moved here from Spain, but after living 43 years in Miami, my Christmas is going to be in warm weather most of the time. And I am thankful for the gift of living in this amazing city. Yes, it may be getting a little crowded. It may have too much traffic. But unless I move to a little town in the middle of nowhere, all cosmopolitan cities are overcrowded and filled with lots and lots of cars. So I am not complaining because whenever I travel, I am very thankful to return to my warm Miami, where I can see greenery wherever I look, and I do love my palm trees. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of all the trees that I can see from where I’m sitting. 

As I’m writing this, Rafi is in the kitchen having breakfast. Alex and dad are still sleeping. Chabeli is in St. Augustine at a wedding. Tomorrow, my house will be full with about twenty persons. Family and friends. Definitely, for me, that is the best Christmas gift. Family and friends. To have my house filled with noise, laughter, the occasional squabble, the women sitting around chatting, the men and the kids playing dominoes, setting a beautiful table, having lots and lots of food, drinking wine... just being together is by far the best gift that anyone could ever gift me. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of family and friends. 

And last but not least, thank You for the gift of faith. My life would not be what it is if You were not at the center. In two days, we will celebrate your birthday. Thank You for making yourself as little as a child to be born in our midst. Thank You for teaching us that to be big we have to make ourselves small. Thank You for teaching us that the best king is not the one that lives in a luxurious palace and feels superior to everyone else. The best King is the one who serves His people with love and humility. Thank You, Jesus, for being our King. Thank You for giving Your life so we could be free. Thank You, Jesus. You are by far the best Christmas gift because without You, we would not have Christmas. 

I love You, Jesus!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Helping “Elizabeth”

“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your Word.” Luke 1:38

December 21, 2016

Dear Mama Mary:

You have been here for a week and I have paid such little attention to You. I know it’s only a statue, a symbol of You. But regardless, You are the traveling Lady Seat of Wisdom from my Bible class, and You have brought such comfort to so many of us through the years. You visit all our houses. You know what goes on in each household. And You keep all our secrets.

Six years ago, You came to visit us too. While You were with us, Chabeli got stuck in England in the middle of a snowstorm. Flight after flight got cancelled. I remember falling on my knees, and crying out to You. I pleaded to You to help my girl get home in time for Christmas. And You didn’t let me down. Chabeli made it home right on time. Afterwards, we all got sick, but she was home and that was all that mattered.

This year, we are all getting sick too. Today, Rafe was diagnosed with pneumonia. Alex has a sore throat, and he’s not feeling well. I’m not 100% either. Even the dog was sneezing this morning. But we are all home, and that’s what matters. Rafi arrived tonight. Please, keep him from getting sick. Chabeli doesn’t live here any longer but she’s nearby and she’ll be home for Nochebuena and Christmas.

Today, we decided to cancel the big gathering of eighteen people that we were planning for Nochebuena. I just can’t handle such a big party on my own like I did six years ago. Rafe was sick, and I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. So this year, it will be a small gathering, just six of us.

Changing the subject, I have been pondering this whole week how You must have felt from the Annunciation to the Nativity. The scripture readings this week have been all about You. When the angel appeared to You, he greeted You with these words: “Hail, favored one.” (Luke 1:28). This showed that God had picked You as His favorite one. The readings don’t say whether You were afraid or not. But I imagine that a visit from an angel was not a daily occurrence so You must have been scared. The angel even tells You, “do not be afraid, Mary.” (Luke 1:30). And then, he basically tells You that all the plans you’ve had for your life and your future are about to change. I complain and get upset when I have to change something as insignificant as my Nochebuena plans. And when God literally turns your life upside down, all You do is ask: “How can this be since I have no relations with a man?” (Luke 1:34). Once the angel explains it to You, You reply with the most beautiful words that I have ever heard: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your Word.” (Luke 1:38). No wonder He picked You. If it had been me, I would have asked a thousand questions. I would have said, “let me think about it” or “let me talk it over with my parents” or “let me ask Joseph for his opinion.” But not You. Your faith and obedience were out of this world.

Once You gave your consent, the angel left without giving You further instructions. He didn’t tell You how to approach Joseph. He didn’t explain when and how all this would take place. Nothing. He gave You such an amazing message and then, he just vanished. But your trust in God was so huge, that You knew He would take care of everything. So instead of worrying about all the “what-ifs,” what did You do? You ran to your cousin Elizabeth’s house. The scripture says that You went in “haste.” You didn’t take any time for yourself. You hurried to your cousin’s side because You felt that she probably needed You. You placed her needs ahead of your own.

Oh, Mama Mary, how I wish that I could be more like You. There are many “Elizabeth’s” in my life, but I certainly don’t run to them to help them out. On the contrary, I look the other way. I place my needs ahead of theirs. There are so many “Elizabeth’s” out there who feel lonely or forgotten by God. Teach me to see them, notice them and love them.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 21, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

Thank You for opening my eyes to the “Elizabeth’s” around me. I know that I cannot take care of them all, but if I help one “Elizabeth,” then I am bringing your Son to that one person.

This week, I have been a little overwhelmed. Help me to relax, and to place my priorities in order. Help me not to forget the real reason for the season. Help me to place Your Son at the center of all the celebrations.

Today, in the midst of everything that I still have to do, I will make time for one of the “Elizabeth’s” in my life.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: You are Christmas

"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air."- W.T. Ellis

December 19, 2014

Dear Jesus:

A friend of mine sent me an email with some words from Pope Francis that I want to share with You:

"Christmas tends to be a noisy holiday. It wouldn't hurt to celebrate it in silence, that way we could hear Love's whisper.

You are Christmas when you decide to be born again each day and you allow God to penetrate your soul.

You are the Christmas tree when you stand strong against the storms and difficulties of life.

You are the Christmas ornaments when your virtues are colors that adorn your life.

You are the Christmas bell when you call, congregate and unite.

You are the Christmas light when with your life you light the way for others using patience, happiness and generosity.

You are the Christmas angels when you sing to the world a message of peace, justice and love.

You are the Christmas star when you lead someone to an encounter with God.

You are the Three Kings when you give the best you have without mattering to whom.

You are the Christmas music when you conquer the harmony within you.

You are the Christmas gift when you are a true friend and brother to all humans.

You are the Christmas card when kindness is written in your hands.

You are the Christmas greeting when you forgive and enforce peace, even when you are suffering.

You are the Christmas dinner when you feed with bread and hope the poor that is next to you.

You are the Christmas night, when humbly and consciously, you receive in the silence of the night the Savior of the world, without noise and without huge celebrations.

You are the smile of trust and kindness, the interior peace of a Christmas that lives forever within you.

A very Merry Christmas to all those that resemble Christmas. And don't allow Santa Claus to take the place of Baby Jesus at Christmas."

I love You Baby Jesus!!!

December 19, 2017

Dear Baby Jesus:

I just finished reading the words from Pope Francis that I read three years ago. It wouldn't hurt me to  read them every Christmas. I will try to be Christmas this year to all those that I encounter.

I love You Baby Jesus!!!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: A Different Christmas

"Before the birth of Jesus, His parents asked for a simple dwelling place, but there was none. If Mary and Joseph were looking for a home for Jesus, would they choose... your heart, and all it holds?" St. Teresa of Calcutta

December 18, 2008

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for all your blessings, for our family, and for all the love that You pour upon us. This was a beautiful weekend. Rafi is home!!! He arrived five days ago. I'm at peace now because all my "pollitos" are home. Mother hen is happy. Even though Chabeli and Alex are in the middle of finals, we got to spend quality time together as a family.

Last Saturday, we went to deliver food and toys to needy migrant families, and that gave us a great sense of satisfaction. We started doing this when the kids were little to teach them that Christmas was not just about receiving, Christmas is the season for giving and sharing with those less fortunate. This year, they couldn't come with us, but Rafael and I continued the tradition. I know that these small acts of kindness will prepare our hearts for your birth more than anything else.

Since I did all my Christmas shopping early, I have been able to concentrate on the spiritual aspect of the Advent season. It's not that I have stayed away from the stores altogether, but the shopping has been mostly personal. We are leaving to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe on Christmas Day so I still have a few things that I need to get.

Tonight, there will be a reconciliation service at St. Louis that I'm going to try to get to so You can be born in a clean heart. Jesus, please help me to stay in the right path. Help me not to get overwhelmed over menial things. Let this be a different Christmas.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 18, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Yesterday, Father Jose Luis celebrated 40 years of priesthood. I went to the lunch with my mom. He has been such a special gift for our community, and more specifically, for our family. We met him when we were part of "Encuentros Juveniles" (Youth Encounters). When we got married, he celebrated our wedding. Shortly thereafter, he was assigned to Corpus Christi Catholic Church. It was a match made in heaven. He has done so much for that church and for that neighborhood in the thirty years that he has been the pastor. When our children were born, we took them to Corpus Christi to be baptized. He baptized Rafi, and almost baptized Chabeli. I say "almost" because there was some confusion on the time so she ended up being baptized by another priest. But her remembrance cards say that she was baptized by Father Jose Luis. He is also responsible for Rafi's third name. When we told him that we were naming Rafael Gabriel, he said that we couldn't leave out the third archangel. So he always reminds us that we gave him two names but he gave him his third name. And Rafi is very proud to have three names: Rafael Gabriel Miguel. Little did I know at the time what a blessing that would turn out to be. Rafi has needed the help of all three archangels throughout his life.

When our kids were little, we wanted to teach them that not everyone lived like we did. I called Father Jose Luis, and I asked him if we could adopt a family from his parish that we could help out during Christmas. Sure enough, he gave us the name and address of a family in need. They had three children. We bought them food and toys, and took the kids with us to deliver the goods. Of course, the first question from my kids was: "why won't Santa Claus bring toys to the poor children?" Ahhh, how do I respond? I honestly can't remember what I told them but whatever it was, they believed me. When we arrived to our assigned house, the only one home was the mother. She told us that she had sent the kids away with her husband because they still believed in Santa (luckily, my kids didn't hear her). She invited us to sit down. The house hardly had any furniture, so we sat at the small kitchen table. She started telling us that her husband worked in construction, but he felt from a ladder and broke his back. He had been unemployed for a few months and they were having a very hard time making ends meet. It broke our heart. We felt that the little bit we were doing was not going to help them much. But she assured us that her children would now have a special Christmas because of us. We left with our hearts in our throats.

I realized then what a special assignment You had given to Father Jose Luis. It takes a special kind of priest to serve these needy families. And he is definitely a special kind of priest. In the thirty years that he has been serving Corpus Christi, he has completely changed the neighborhood. Yes, there are still a lot of families with great needs, but he has managed to move a lot of hearts to help out. He created a group "Friends of Corpus Christi" who are regular supporters of his parish. Thanks to that, many families that otherwise would not have food and toys for their children at this time of the year, are being able to celebrate Christmas. But the most important part is that those that are giving, are celebrating a different kind of Christmas because we are learning that is better to give than to receive.

Jesus, please continue to bless Father Jose Luis and his vocation. May we have more priests like him who imitate You and who teach us by example what it means to be a Christian.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: My Cup is Overflowing with Blessings

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." - Agnes M. Pharo

December 15, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I normally don't have to do taxes in December but this has been one strange year. I guess I should be grateful. If all the work had come in during the summer, at the peak of Rafi's illness, it would have been very tough for me. Instead, my clients' delay gave me the extra time to dedicate to him. Now that he's better, I have been able to spend the extra hours at work.

I finished this week all the pending work that I had on my desk. This gave me billing time which I normally don't have at this time of the year. Since I moved to a new office, this extra income is very welcome as I now have a higher rent. I know, Jesus, that with your help, I will be able to cover all the extra expenses.

Alex is in the midst of final exams. We gave him a pretty tight study schedule, so he's been studying all weekend. We did allow him to go on Friday to Belen's football game at Lake Wales. They won. They will be playing for the state championship next Friday in Orlando for the first time ever. The school is definitely not in "finals" mood, but we are trying to keep Alex focused here at home. Rafe already told him that he has to get As and Bs on every exam in order to be able to go to the game on Friday. Of course, we may not know all the results by Friday but he's just trying to be tough with Alex so that he puts the effort.

Chabeli is also in the middle of finals. She had her Business Law final on Friday and it was a very difficult test. She was burned out from so much studying. I hardly saw her all week because she spent most of the time in the library studying.

Rafi finished his FIU finals on Thursday, and left to Princeton three days ago. I was pretty anxious, but calm at the same time. I felt that You were in control of the whole situation. Jesus, if he's going to be fine at Princeton, open the doors for him so he can return next semester. Otherwise, keep him here, Jesus.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 15, 2017

Dear Jesus:

History repeats itself once again. This year, I also find myself doing taxes in December. And I am not happy. December is not meant for taxes. December is meant for Advent. December should be a time of joy and festivities as we prepare for your birth. But this year, a hurricane pushed all tax deadlines until the end of January, and as hard as I tried to be done by Thanksgiving, I still have two clients that are keeping me on my toes. But I am thankful that I have a job when many don't.

This year, we have a lot to celebrate, and a lot to be thankful for. My cup is overflowing with blessings. Alex officially finished his college years this week. He took his last final exam on Wednesday, and now he is home. He also got a job offer from a great company yesterday. I'm sad because if he accepts it, he will be moving to Dallas. But I am super happy for him. And very, very proud. He's had one amazing year. In nine days, my baby will be twenty-three years old. So we will celebrate his birthday, Your birthday, and his graduation all on the same weekend.

We are also celebrating the end of a decade. We began our college journey ten years ago with Rafi. We are finally done. I have to tell You, Jesus, it was a very tough decade in more ways than one. College may be great for the kids but it's pretty tough on the parents. Tough on the pocket and tough on the heart. My kids, especially my boys, have put me through the wringer. But we survived it, and today, I couldn't be prouder of all they have accomplished. I truly believe that the best gift we gave them was their education. Now it's up to them to use it wisely, and make a good future for themselves, their spouses and the children that one day You will hopefully send them.

I am looking forward to continue this Advent journey, as I prepare myself both externally and internally to celebrate Your birth. And having a full house surrounded by all my "pollitos" will be the best Christmas gift. Yes, my cup is definitely overflowing with blessings.

I love You, Jesus!!! 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Heaven Gained an Angel

"Ever felt an angel’s breath in the gentle breeze? A teardrop in the falling rain? Hear a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves? Or been kissed by a lone snowflake? Nature is an angel’s favorite hiding place." ~ Carrie Latet

December 13, 2011

Dear Mama Mary:

Yesterday was the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, but today is also your day. Most of your apparitions take place on the thirteenth of any month. Mama Mary, on this special day, the thirteenth of December, I want to pray for You to intercede for Baby Nico. If Your Son wants to, He can perform a miracle.

I have been praying to John Paul II too. I know that Alina has been praying to him as well. This miracle would catapult him into sainthood. Yet, it's not our will but Your Son's will. If Nico won't be able to lead a normal life, then Mama Mary, ask Your Son to take him home to heaven. I know that You will take care of him in heaven. Heaven will gain an angel.

If a miracle will bring blessings to the Hernandez family, and it will glorify Your Son, then Mama Mary please intercede for this miracle. John Paul II, you do your part too. Before Nico was born, I was praying to John Paul II for a miracle for Rafi. I asked John Paul II to intercede so that Rafi would be fully healed. I didn't want him to be on medication for the rest of his life. After Baby Nico was born, I realized that I was being selfish. Rafi already received his miracle. As long as he takes the medication, he can lead a normal life. As far as total healing, others need it more. And so, I changed my prayer and began to pray for a complete healing for Baby Nico.

It doesn't look good but faith is the last thing that we lose. However, if Nico is meant to go to heaven, then John Paul II, look out for him. Mama Mary, carry him in your arms. Jesus, embrace him. Please, hug his young mom, Caro, and console his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the rest of his family. Baby Nico came with a purpose, and he has done more in three months than most of us will do in a lifetime.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 13, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

Today, Baby Nico is celebrating his sixth birthday in heaven. I know that he is up there with You, playing with the angels. Heaven gained a new angel when You carried him home.

Many people were praying for a miracle of healing. Our wish was not granted. I remember how devastated I was on that day when I arrived to Belen, ran into Father Willie, and he told me that he was on his way to the hospital because Baby Nico was being disconnected from life support. I had never seen Father Willie more distraught. I had already prayed a rosary to You that morning, but nevertheless, I prayed another rosary on my way home. My heart was breaking into a million pieces for the Hernandez family.

In the past six years, they have been blessed with the birth of Bella, and there is a new baby girl, Nina, soon to be born. But they will forever carry Baby Nico in their hearts. The miracle of his life came soon after his departure. They created Nico's Promise, the foundation that provides bereavement services to parents that have lost a child. Even though the miracle that your Son granted was not the one that everyone was praying for, Baby Nico came with a purpose and he fulfilled it in just three short months.

I pray to You, Mama Mary, for Caro and her pregnancy. May she deliver a healthy baby girl. I also pray for Bella and Nina, to have long, healthy, happy lives. Bless them and protect them always. I know they have an angel in heaven looking down on them and watching their every step.

Happy Birthday, Baby Nico.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: You are the Reason

"Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving." --J. C. Penney in "Christmas Thoughts"

December 10, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Here I am! I have come to do your will. I'm spending one hour with You in the Adoration Chapel at St. Louis. I know that You are here present in full body and blood. I have always believed that the blessed host is truly Your Body. And coincidentally, this past month we have been talking about this in Bible class. One thing that truly got to me is that just like the Virgin Mary conceived You by the power of the Holy Spirit, a simple piece of bread can turn into Your Body and a simple cup of wine can turn into Your Blood by the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, just like the Father created the heavens and the earth out of nothing just by ushering a word, He can turn bread and wine into Your Body and Blood just by ushering a word. It's truly amazing and therefore, here I am in Your Presence.

In two weeks it's Your Birthday. I'm trying really hard to prepare spiritually for that moment. I am failing miserably. Last Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent, I didn't even make it to mass. I wanted to go to confession on Monday night and I didn't. I wanted to go today but it's not going to be possible. It seems that my calendar is becoming crowded with things of the world, and I'm not giving myself time for You.

Yes, I know, I am here. But, is it enough? Why do I allow the decorating, gift buying, etc, to overwhelm me so much? No matter how much I plan in advance, it still catches up with me. Yesterday, I was still buying gifts online. I still want to buy a couple of small items to place inside the kids' boots, and on and on it goes.

Please, Jesus, help me to focus all my energy on You. After all, You are the reason for the season. Help me to place You at the very top of my priority list so that You can truly be born again in my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 10, 2017

Dear Jesus:

History tends to repeat itself. Yesterday, I spent the morning shopping. This year, I started late so I still had a lot pending on my Christmas gift list. But it was a very productive morning. I'm almost done. And I kept my promise this year not to be overwhelmed. I was at Aventura Mall by 9:30. I beat the crowds, and by 1 pm, when the mall was getting pretty crowded, I was done.

In the afternoon, I really tried to make it to confession. I thought confessions lasted an hour, but they only lasted 45 minutes so I was one minute late. Oh well, You know I tried my best. I did stay for mass, and I will try again next week.

I am trying very hard, Jesus, to make You my priority this Advent. I know that there are other things that need to be done, but I am keeping You up front and center in everything that I'm doing. After all, You are the reason for the season.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: True Happiness

"Holy Spirit of God, open my hands, my eyes, my ears, all my senses, and all of my heart so I will be ready to receive your Advent blessings." Tom McGrath

December 9, 2014

Dear Mama Mary:

I want to thank You for interceding for my dad. His surgery was successful and for that I am grateful. Now I come to You once more praying for your intercession in his recovery. He is not out of the woods yet. They had to put a catheter last night and now he is bleeding. Please, ask Your Son to place His healing hands over him so there is no infection settling down in his kidneys. Also, please ask Him to heal his head to stop the spread of the angiosarcoma. And may the skin grafts adhere this time around. 

Please, Mama Mary, place your healing touch over him as well. I pray for his pain and suffering to subside. Thank You for your love and peace as we journey through this difficult valley. May we encounter the sunshine as soon as possible.

I pray also for all the intentions of my faith communities (St. Louis and the Belen Emmaus), and for all the intentions of my family and friends.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 9, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for listening to your Mama Mary and for healing my dad. The angiosarcoma did not spread throughout his head after that final surgery at the end of 2014. And we had the blessing of enjoying his presence with us for another eighteen months. Thank You, Jesus.

Today, I also want to thank You because the two Ignacio's are doing better. A lot of people have been praying to you for a miracle, and You are answering our prayers. Ignacio V. is opening his eyes, he's recognizing people and he's responding to commands. He is also breathing on his own, without the help of the respirator. And he even prayed a Hail Mary with Father Willie, how awesome is that. Ignacio C. will have another surgery on his arm in two days, but the good news is that the swelling has started to subside. Please, Jesus, place your healing hands over these two young men and answer the prayers of so many people that are praying for them. I don't even know them but my heart aches for their families and what they are going through. Please, Jesus, heal them and mend their broken bodies.

I was just reading a little book titled "My Daily Bread," and this sentence caught my eye: "Happy are those who desire only what I want, trying steadily to do my will." Jesus, if I unite your will to mine, I will find true happiness. If I choose to do my will instead of yours, I will not be truly happy.

My ultimate goal in this life has to be to be united with You in heaven. Therefore, every single thing I do while on this earth has to be with that ultimate goal in mind. Every small goal that I set to accomplish has to be directed towards that final goal. Every activity that I undertake needs to be guided by You. Everything that I choose to do must keep me on the path that leads to heaven.

Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from You. Therefore, I must give everything back to You. I must use all my talents and all my possessions as You wish, not as I wish. I must offer all my activities to You so that You become my guide and my leader. If I let myself become too overwhelmed with activities of my own choosing, I will lose the happiness that You want me to experience during my brief time here on earth.

If I keep my eyes on the world instead of on You, I will not find true happiness. The brief enjoyments of this earthly life could lead me away from You. I must keep my eyes on You at all times. Otherwise, I may make mistakes or I may sin. When I sin, I lose my inner peace. Sins will rob me of peace on earth and unending happiness in Heaven.

Every day, I must examine my motives for everything that I do. I must choose only those things that deep inside I know will please You, and I must avoid all those things that will separate me from You. You created me to live in eternal happiness with You in heaven. All those things that will keep me away from heaven, I must get rid of them. If I lose Heaven, I will lose everything. The sure guide to Heaven is to align my will to Yours.

Please, Jesus, during this Advent, "open my hands, my eyes, my ears, all my senses, and all of my heart" to recognize what Your will is for my life. May every step I take lead me closer to You.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Nothing is Impossible for God

“’Hail, full of grace.’ By these words the angel shows that she was altogether excluded from the wrath of the first sentence, and restored to the full grace of blessing." -Saint Augustine – Doctor of the Church

"Feast of the Immaculate Conception"

December 8, 2014

Dear Mama Mary:

Today we celebrate your Immaculate Conception. Many people don't believe that You were a Virgin when You conceived Jesus. I do believe because nothing is impossible for God. And He picked You, a Virgin young girl to be the vessel of His Son.

How are You doing today, Mama Mary? I guess You are sad seeing the disasters of this world. But it's been the same way for the past 2,000 years. I guess that sometimes You must feel that Your Son died in vain. We have not learned anything. But I can tell You that there are many people that are grateful for your YES. I'm one of them. Thank You for saying YES to God. I can only imagine how scary it must have been. You were so young. But You accepted the task with such grace. You trusted God completely, and pushed aside your fears. And in doing so, You changed the world.

Mama Mary, You are full of grace. I believe that is the key to be able to control my fears. I have to pray for the grace to be able to trust God fully, like You did. I also have to pray for the grace to sin less.

Today, Mama Mary, I need to ask for your intercession. My dad is in surgery right now. Again. It's the fifth time this year between biopsies, surgeries and skin grafts. A new tumor was discovered a couple of months ago. It's being removed now. And a new skin graft is being placed on the old wound, and possibly on the new wound as well. I know that he is 86 and eventually Your Son will request his presence, but can You ask Him to leave him with us, if that is His will, for a little longer? My mom needs him. My children want to have him in their lives. And so do I. And he wants to live so much. But I also don't want to see him suffer. So as long as he can stay with us and be fairly healthy, please ask Your Son to spare him for a little longer.

Mama Mary, I'm grateful for your sacrifice. And especially, I'm grateful because I'm less afraid of dying. Your Son taught us that death is not the end, it's the beginning.

Mama Mary, I hope that You are enjoying your feast day in heaven.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 8, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. Today, we celebrate the fact that You were conceived without sin. I used to think that Immaculate Conception meant that You had conceived Jesus while You were a Virgin. But what it really means is that God chose You even before You were conceived. Since You were in your mother's womb, You were free of the original sin. God chose the perfect immaculate vessel to bring His Son into the world.

I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning because I want to get to mass. But, today, Mama Mary, I need to ask for your intercession. I want to pray for the two Ignacio's that were in a very serious car accident last week. One has a brain injury. Please ask Your Son to heal him completely. The other one has very serious injuries in one arm. They are so serious that if Your Son doesn't grant him a miracle, he may lose his arm. These young boys are just seniors in high school. They have their whole lives ahead of them. Please, Mama Mary, embrace them with Your Mantle of Grace. Give them the grace of a complete and total healing. Today, on Your Feast Day, I come to You asking You to intercede for a miracle, if it's Your Son's will. Give hope and faith to their families who are also suffering through this whole ordeal. And grant the doctors the wisdom to choose the proper treatment.

St. Ignatious of Loyola, please pray for the two Ignacio's. Mama Mary, ask Your Son to grant them a miracle because I know that anything that You ask him, He will grant You. Nothing is impossible for God.

O God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin prepared a worthy dwelling for your Son, grant, we pray, that as you preserved her from every stain by virtue of the Death of your Son, which you foresaw so through her intercession, we, too, may be cleansed and admitted to your presence, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Slow Down

"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." — St. Francis de Sales

December 6, 2009

Dear Jesus:

This has been another busy week. I guess it's typical for the month of December, but this year, I'm on a roll.

Last Sunday, we bought the Christmas tree but I didn't get around to start decorating it until Thursday night. Between work, Bible class, doctors’ appointments and Alex’s activities, I was busy every single day and night.

On Thursday, I was going to go to the Emmaus meeting, but I decided that my plate was already too full. I stayed home instead decorating the Christmas tree. I played Christmas music. I baked cookies. And I got into the spirit of Christmas. It would be nice if the whole family got involved in the decorating, but I gave up on this idea a long time ago. At least, Chabeli showed happiness when she walked in, and she smelled the cookies, heard the music, and saw the lights on the tree. We all had dinner together that night. I'm thankful for that blessing.

Life is busy, but all is fine in my little corner of the world.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 6, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Life continues to be busy, but this Advent, I have made the commitment not to allow the usual December craziness to overwhelm me. I will do what I can, even if it takes me all month.

Sometimes, we hurry so much to get everything done, that Christmas crawls upon us and we don’t even notice. This year, I will slow down. I will savor everything I do. If I’m not enjoying it, then I might as well not do it.

I have a friend that has decided not to buy a Christmas tree this year. For her, putting up a tree is more work than pleasure. She has decided that if she doesn’t enjoy it, why go through the trouble? Yet, she loves to send out Christmas cards. Instead of spending the weekend decorating the Christmas tree, she spent her weekend writing Christmas cards.

For me, it’s the exact opposite. I gave up sending Christmas cards years ago. But I love decorating my house. So even though the Christmas tree sat empty in my living room for eight days, this past Sunday, I searched deep inside for the joy within me, and I began to stream the lights on the tree. I asked “Alexa” to play Christmas music, and while the hubby cooked some delicious black beans which made the house smell like “Nochebuena,” I waltzed around the tree making it merry and  bright.

When Chabeli arrived two hours later, she asked: “Are we having a party?” And I realized that indeed we were having a party. We were celebrating the beginning of Advent. Christmas is not just one day, it’s an entire season. If we have the right attitude, everything that we do whether is decorating, wrapping gifts or writing Christmas cards, it will help to prepare our hearts for Your Birthday, Jesus.

So even if our calendars are crammed with Christmas parties, even if we still have to buy more than half the gifts on our list, even if we haven’t even started decorating, or we have fifty gifts to wrap, we can find You, Jesus, in our midst. We just need to slow down, and drop the things that make us frantic from our “to-do” list. If we put on the right attitude, we can turn the Christmas preparations into holy moments that will help to prepare the manger within our hearts so that You, Baby Jesus, can be born  within us once again on Christmas Day.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Twenty-Two Days

“May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the spirit of Christmas which is peace; the heart of Christmas which is love.” - Ada V. Hendricks

December 3, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I am here waiting for the Bible class to start. This morning, I got upset at my hubby. I decided that the best way to handle it was to be quiet. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. I came to mass, and that helped me to calm down and think things rationally. 

Please, Jesus, give me peace and calmness. I just have too many things bouncing around in my head. Help me to choose what I need to do and drop the rest. I can't handle everything. Help me to remember that.

This is your month. We celebrate your birthday in twenty-two days. Help me not to get overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Help me not to forget its true meaning. I'm almost finished with all the Christmas shopping, so now, during this season of Advent, help me to relax, and enjoy the music, the decorations, the sharing, and the love. When things become a burden, then it's time to drop them.

And please, Jesus, give me patience with my hubby, and let him be patient with me.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 3, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. I have been a bit dry lately. Yesterday, I was at the beach, praying for a bit of inspiration. But my mind was bouncing all over the place. What else is new? I tend to forget, at this time of year, the true reason for the season. I allow myself to become overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. I'm glad I picked up my journal from 2009. It allowed me to put things into perspective.

This year, I have not even started to decorate the house. The Christmas tree has been standing in the living room for over a week. I took advantage of Alex while he was still here to help us get it and bring it inside the house. And there it is. No lights, no decorations. I simply have not been in the mood to decorate, which is very strange for me since decorating is one of the things that I must love to do.

Please, shake me up and get me moving. Advent is a time to get ready for your coming. One of the things that helps me to get ready is to decorate the house. When the kids were home, I made a big production of it. I would bake chocolate chip cookies. I would play Christmas music. All this helped to get me in the mood. I know that they are not home, and it's tough to do all these things when it's just Rafe and me, especially the cookies since we are both trying to watch our waistline. But the kids will be home for Christmas, and they love to come to a home that is filled with the Christmas spirit.

I will, at the very least, put the lights on the Christmas tree tonight.

Twenty-two days and counting, Jesus!!! Help me to prepare my heart for your birth.

I love You, Jesus!!!