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I'm a little pencil

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Helping “Elizabeth”

“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your Word.” Luke 1:38

December 21, 2016

Dear Mama Mary:

You have been here for a week and I have paid such little attention to You. I know it’s only a statue, a symbol of You. But regardless, You are the traveling Lady Seat of Wisdom from my Bible class, and You have brought such comfort to so many of us through the years. You visit all our houses. You know what goes on in each household. And You keep all our secrets.

Six years ago, You came to visit us too. While You were with us, Chabeli got stuck in England in the middle of a snowstorm. Flight after flight got cancelled. I remember falling on my knees, and crying out to You. I pleaded to You to help my girl get home in time for Christmas. And You didn’t let me down. Chabeli made it home right on time. Afterwards, we all got sick, but she was home and that was all that mattered.

This year, we are all getting sick too. Today, Rafe was diagnosed with pneumonia. Alex has a sore throat, and he’s not feeling well. I’m not 100% either. Even the dog was sneezing this morning. But we are all home, and that’s what matters. Rafi arrived tonight. Please, keep him from getting sick. Chabeli doesn’t live here any longer but she’s nearby and she’ll be home for Nochebuena and Christmas.

Today, we decided to cancel the big gathering of eighteen people that we were planning for Nochebuena. I just can’t handle such a big party on my own like I did six years ago. Rafe was sick, and I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. So this year, it will be a small gathering, just six of us.

Changing the subject, I have been pondering this whole week how You must have felt from the Annunciation to the Nativity. The scripture readings this week have been all about You. When the angel appeared to You, he greeted You with these words: “Hail, favored one.” (Luke 1:28). This showed that God had picked You as His favorite one. The readings don’t say whether You were afraid or not. But I imagine that a visit from an angel was not a daily occurrence so You must have been scared. The angel even tells You, “do not be afraid, Mary.” (Luke 1:30). And then, he basically tells You that all the plans you’ve had for your life and your future are about to change. I complain and get upset when I have to change something as insignificant as my Nochebuena plans. And when God literally turns your life upside down, all You do is ask: “How can this be since I have no relations with a man?” (Luke 1:34). Once the angel explains it to You, You reply with the most beautiful words that I have ever heard: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your Word.” (Luke 1:38). No wonder He picked You. If it had been me, I would have asked a thousand questions. I would have said, “let me think about it” or “let me talk it over with my parents” or “let me ask Joseph for his opinion.” But not You. Your faith and obedience were out of this world.

Once You gave your consent, the angel left without giving You further instructions. He didn’t tell You how to approach Joseph. He didn’t explain when and how all this would take place. Nothing. He gave You such an amazing message and then, he just vanished. But your trust in God was so huge, that You knew He would take care of everything. So instead of worrying about all the “what-ifs,” what did You do? You ran to your cousin Elizabeth’s house. The scripture says that You went in “haste.” You didn’t take any time for yourself. You hurried to your cousin’s side because You felt that she probably needed You. You placed her needs ahead of your own.

Oh, Mama Mary, how I wish that I could be more like You. There are many “Elizabeth’s” in my life, but I certainly don’t run to them to help them out. On the contrary, I look the other way. I place my needs ahead of theirs. There are so many “Elizabeth’s” out there who feel lonely or forgotten by God. Teach me to see them, notice them and love them.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 21, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

Thank You for opening my eyes to the “Elizabeth’s” around me. I know that I cannot take care of them all, but if I help one “Elizabeth,” then I am bringing your Son to that one person.

This week, I have been a little overwhelmed. Help me to relax, and to place my priorities in order. Help me not to forget the real reason for the season. Help me to place Your Son at the center of all the celebrations.

Today, in the midst of everything that I still have to do, I will make time for one of the “Elizabeth’s” in my life.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

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