I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: My Christmas Eve Baby

“Hope today starts and ends with joy. Hope today gives every reason to praise the Lord. Hope today makes you smile forever. Happy Birthday to my Christmas Eve baby.”

December 24, 2009

Dear Jesus:

My Christmas Eve baby is 15 years old. I can’t believe that soon he’s going to be driving. He had a getty last Sunday for his birthday, and I would look at him, having a good time with his friends, both boys and girls, and I kept thinking, “when did he grow up so fast?” It felt like “déjà vous.” I was going through these same things with Rafi and Chabeli just a few years ago.

Thank You for sending him into our lives fifteen years ago. Please, take care of him and protect him always. May he always choose his friends carefully and wisely. Place the right ones in his path.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 24, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today, Alex is turning 23 years old. Wow!!! Happy Birthday, my Christmas Eve baby.

He just finished college. He got an amazing job offer in Dallas, so he will be moving there in less than three weeks, and I just can’t keep up with all these changes in his life. It seems like it was just a few weeks ago when I brought him home for the first time on Christmas Day. He came early. He wanted to make sure that he would not miss out on the most wonderful time of the year. So even though he was due to arrive with the Three Kings, he asked Santa to drop him off on Christmas Eve.

I had an easy delivery so I asked the doctor if I could take him home within 24 hours. The hospital was deserted so I figured I would be better off at home surrounded by my family. So on Christmas Day, dressed in red pajamas, I took him home. And he was the best Christmas gift for Chabeli. That year, she completely ignored her toys. Her new baby brother was all she cared about. Rafi was too much into his Power Rangers to pay much attention to a crying baby. But Chabeli became my shadow. She wanted to help out with everything.

Thank You, Jesus, for surprising us with Alex. He is the best gift that You could have ever sent us. He came to complete our family. He has always been like a jingle bell. He brings joy, laughter and noise wherever he goes. Please protect him as he starts a new chapter in his life. Keep him safe in Dallas, and allow this experience to open great doors for his future. And continue to surround him with great friends.

I love You, Jesus!!! 

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