I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: You are the Reason

"Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving." --J. C. Penney in "Christmas Thoughts"

December 10, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Here I am! I have come to do your will. I'm spending one hour with You in the Adoration Chapel at St. Louis. I know that You are here present in full body and blood. I have always believed that the blessed host is truly Your Body. And coincidentally, this past month we have been talking about this in Bible class. One thing that truly got to me is that just like the Virgin Mary conceived You by the power of the Holy Spirit, a simple piece of bread can turn into Your Body and a simple cup of wine can turn into Your Blood by the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, just like the Father created the heavens and the earth out of nothing just by ushering a word, He can turn bread and wine into Your Body and Blood just by ushering a word. It's truly amazing and therefore, here I am in Your Presence.

In two weeks it's Your Birthday. I'm trying really hard to prepare spiritually for that moment. I am failing miserably. Last Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent, I didn't even make it to mass. I wanted to go to confession on Monday night and I didn't. I wanted to go today but it's not going to be possible. It seems that my calendar is becoming crowded with things of the world, and I'm not giving myself time for You.

Yes, I know, I am here. But, is it enough? Why do I allow the decorating, gift buying, etc, to overwhelm me so much? No matter how much I plan in advance, it still catches up with me. Yesterday, I was still buying gifts online. I still want to buy a couple of small items to place inside the kids' boots, and on and on it goes.

Please, Jesus, help me to focus all my energy on You. After all, You are the reason for the season. Help me to place You at the very top of my priority list so that You can truly be born again in my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 10, 2017

Dear Jesus:

History tends to repeat itself. Yesterday, I spent the morning shopping. This year, I started late so I still had a lot pending on my Christmas gift list. But it was a very productive morning. I'm almost done. And I kept my promise this year not to be overwhelmed. I was at Aventura Mall by 9:30. I beat the crowds, and by 1 pm, when the mall was getting pretty crowded, I was done.

In the afternoon, I really tried to make it to confession. I thought confessions lasted an hour, but they only lasted 45 minutes so I was one minute late. Oh well, You know I tried my best. I did stay for mass, and I will try again next week.

I am trying very hard, Jesus, to make You my priority this Advent. I know that there are other things that need to be done, but I am keeping You up front and center in everything that I'm doing. After all, You are the reason for the season.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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