I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, December 15, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: My Cup is Overflowing with Blessings

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." - Agnes M. Pharo

December 15, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I normally don't have to do taxes in December but this has been one strange year. I guess I should be grateful. If all the work had come in during the summer, at the peak of Rafi's illness, it would have been very tough for me. Instead, my clients' delay gave me the extra time to dedicate to him. Now that he's better, I have been able to spend the extra hours at work.

I finished this week all the pending work that I had on my desk. This gave me billing time which I normally don't have at this time of the year. Since I moved to a new office, this extra income is very welcome as I now have a higher rent. I know, Jesus, that with your help, I will be able to cover all the extra expenses.

Alex is in the midst of final exams. We gave him a pretty tight study schedule, so he's been studying all weekend. We did allow him to go on Friday to Belen's football game at Lake Wales. They won. They will be playing for the state championship next Friday in Orlando for the first time ever. The school is definitely not in "finals" mood, but we are trying to keep Alex focused here at home. Rafe already told him that he has to get As and Bs on every exam in order to be able to go to the game on Friday. Of course, we may not know all the results by Friday but he's just trying to be tough with Alex so that he puts the effort.

Chabeli is also in the middle of finals. She had her Business Law final on Friday and it was a very difficult test. She was burned out from so much studying. I hardly saw her all week because she spent most of the time in the library studying.

Rafi finished his FIU finals on Thursday, and left to Princeton three days ago. I was pretty anxious, but calm at the same time. I felt that You were in control of the whole situation. Jesus, if he's going to be fine at Princeton, open the doors for him so he can return next semester. Otherwise, keep him here, Jesus.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 15, 2017

Dear Jesus:

History repeats itself once again. This year, I also find myself doing taxes in December. And I am not happy. December is not meant for taxes. December is meant for Advent. December should be a time of joy and festivities as we prepare for your birth. But this year, a hurricane pushed all tax deadlines until the end of January, and as hard as I tried to be done by Thanksgiving, I still have two clients that are keeping me on my toes. But I am thankful that I have a job when many don't.

This year, we have a lot to celebrate, and a lot to be thankful for. My cup is overflowing with blessings. Alex officially finished his college years this week. He took his last final exam on Wednesday, and now he is home. He also got a job offer from a great company yesterday. I'm sad because if he accepts it, he will be moving to Dallas. But I am super happy for him. And very, very proud. He's had one amazing year. In nine days, my baby will be twenty-three years old. So we will celebrate his birthday, Your birthday, and his graduation all on the same weekend.

We are also celebrating the end of a decade. We began our college journey ten years ago with Rafi. We are finally done. I have to tell You, Jesus, it was a very tough decade in more ways than one. College may be great for the kids but it's pretty tough on the parents. Tough on the pocket and tough on the heart. My kids, especially my boys, have put me through the wringer. But we survived it, and today, I couldn't be prouder of all they have accomplished. I truly believe that the best gift we gave them was their education. Now it's up to them to use it wisely, and make a good future for themselves, their spouses and the children that one day You will hopefully send them.

I am looking forward to continue this Advent journey, as I prepare myself both externally and internally to celebrate Your birth. And having a full house surrounded by all my "pollitos" will be the best Christmas gift. Yes, my cup is definitely overflowing with blessings.

I love You, Jesus!!! 

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