I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You Always Hold our Hand

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” —Proverbs 16:3

December 30, 2010

Dear Jesus:

Where do I begin? So much has happened in this month of December: Christmas, Alex’s 16th birthday, Rafi came home, Chabeli returned from England... I guess this last one is a good place to start.

Bringing Chabeli home from England was a nightmare. I don’t know how we would have survived those three horrible days if You had not been by our side. Thank You for sending us your blessed Mother to keep us company. Thank You for surrounding Chabeli with angels during the minutes, hours and days that she found herself alone and stranded in London.

Your Hand was present in every aspect of her ordeal. Even losing her luggage turned out to be a blessing. She would not have been able to haul over one hundred pounds of luggage all by herself from hotel to hotel. Finding her a hotel where she could recharge her phone was all thanks to You. Thank You for sending angels to protect her when she had to walk from the airport to the hotel by herself in the middle of the night. Thank You for allowing her to get out on the last flight that we were able to book, and for upgrading her to first class. And thank You for delaying the flight from New York to Miami to make sure that she would not miss her connection. Your hand print was visible all over. Thank You, Jesus. In spite of the agony that we felt during those three days when we did not know if she would make it home for Christmas, You held our hand and helped us through it.

I pray that everyone that was stranded made it home already. If there is anyone still out there stuck in limbo, please Jesus, help them get home for New Year’s. It was so nice to have all my babies home for Christmas. Alex turned sixteen on Christmas Eve so truly, I don’t have babies anymore. But to me, they will always be my babies.

Rafe got really sick on Christmas Eve. I think all the stress from Chabeli being stuck in the middle of that snowstorm on the other side of the world, and the fact that we only slept six hours in that entire weekend, finally caught up with him. He woke up with a fever of 104. And we were hosting Nochebuena. But the kids were very helpful with all the preparations. Rafi and Alex helped me to set up outside, Chabeli helped me with the food, and we were able to pull it off. Rafe stayed in his room all day and night. On Christmas Day, Chabeli and I went to mass by ourselves. We then went to Yordys and Melissa’s house. By nighttime, I was the one with the fever. I felt miserable for the next couple of days, but I’m doing better now, even though I’m still not 100%. Rafe is doing better too, even though he still has a cough.

Thank You, Jesus, for sticking with us through thick and thin. No matter how bad things may get, we can always count on You to hold our hand.

I love You, Jesus!!!

December 30, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Things took a turn for the worst after I wrote You that letter seven years ago. I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, and all the kids got sick with the cold. We ended 2010 on a very bad note. But even when some years are not as good as we would like them to be, You are always by our side, and that is what truly matters. You always hold our hand, no matter what.

This year, on the other hand, is ending on a very good note. This has been a wonderful year for us in more ways than one. It has truly been a year filled with many blessings. We got to spend a lot of time with family and friends. Overall, it has been a very healthy year. Our kids are all happy and doing fine. The icing on the cake was Alex’s graduation from college and finding an amazing job in Dallas. I have been praying to You to lead him and guide him in the right direction. Even though, as a mom I would have loved for him to have found a job in Miami, I admit that this company in Dallas was handpicked by You. You placed it right on his lap. And You closed all the other doors. So Dallas it is. Thank You, Jesus, for handing him this opportunity on a silver platter. We are super happy and excited for Alex. We will start 2018 by visiting Dallas and helping Alex find a good apartment in the right neighborhood. Please guide us like You have always done in the past.

Please, Jesus, take care of my family and protect them always. Please always guide us down the right paths. Thank You for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon us during this past year. May 2018 be just as wonderful. Among other things, we have a wedding to plan. And I know, that no matter what the New Year will bring, You will always hold our hand.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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