I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, December 25, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Christmas: Happy Birthday Jesus

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

December 25, 2008

Dear Jesus:

Happy Birthday!!! All I can think today is how humbly and simple You arrived to this world. God chose to send You as poor and as humble as we could possibly imagine.

Sometimes I think that I can only find You in greatness. Only great people become saints. Only great people can do extraordinary things. But that is not the case. You came to us in the most ordinary way. You always choose ordinary people to do extraordinary things. They become great after their ordinary lives become the focus of the world because of the extraordinary things that they do.

Please, Jesus, help me to recognize the extraordinary in all the little things in my life.

I love You, Jesus!!! Have a Merry Birthday!!!

December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus:

Today, we celebrate your birthday. I hope that You are happy with the place that I prepared in my heart for You, even though I know that I could have done a better job. I allowed the stress of the season to overcome me. All the shopping, the parties, the “compromisos” overwhelmed me to the point that I forget to make room in my heart for You.

Today, however, I made room for You. I went to mass and I paid attention. I meditated on your birth. Yes, we also had gifts, we enjoyed opening them, but it’s all part of the ritual. I truly do enjoy giving. I love seeing the kids’ faces when they open their gifts. I just have to be careful not to allow the excitement of it all to overshadow your birth. You are the reason for the season and I must not forget.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

December 25, 2015


Oh, how Mama Mary must have felt when She held You in her arms for the first time. It must have been a combination of incredible love, awe, fear, and a sense of responsibility that She had to take care of You and protect You.

Those are the feelings that I experienced when I held each of my children for the very first time. The youngest, Alex, celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday. He almost shares a birthday with You. What an honor. He doesn’t realize it now but I hope that he does one day. It is an honor to share this day with You.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

December 25, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today is Christmas. Today we celebrate your birth. I have spent four weeks preparing a place in my heart for You. I wanted to make sure that there would be room in my inn for You. Many years, I have allowed the stress of the season to occupy every room in my inn. But not this year. This Advent, I have made time to prepare my inn to receive You. And it’s been the most peaceful Advent that I’ve had in years.

Thank You, Jesus, for coming down to earth to live among us. Thank You for teaching us what truly matters. Thank You for giving us the gift of You. You are Christmas. You are the reason for the season.

I love You, Jesus!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!!!

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