I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You are Our Light in the Darkness

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” —John 8:12

December 31, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Today is the last day of the year. And I’m so glad it’s over because 2009 has been a pretty bad year. I don’t need to go over everything that happened with You because You already know. I have been whining and complaining all year long, so You must be pretty sick of it already. I’m just happy it’s over, and now, I’ll look forward to 2010.

I want to thank You, though, because as bad as this year has been, I must admit that it ended up pretty well. The most important thing is that Rafi is doing fine, and he will return to Princeton next month. He’s still on medication, but as he says, it is the “miracle drug” for him. Thank You, Jesus, for making him healthy again.

I am entering the New Year with a very positive outlook on life. No more whining or complaining. I am happy and full of gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

Happy New Year, Jesus!!!

December 31, 2017

Dear Jesus:

As You well know, 2009 was the toughest year of our life. When a family member gets diagnosed with a serious illness, like cancer, it’s as if a bomb was dropped in the middle of your home. Life, as you know it, stops. Your whole life gets turned upside down, and your whole purpose and focus becomes finding a cure for your loved one. In our case, it was not cancer, but it was just as serious. Life, as we knew it, stopped. Our life became a nightmare from which we thought we would never wake up.

When a year ends, we have the tendency to think that everything bad that happened that year will end as well. We have 365 new days ahead of us with new possibilities, and with new expectations. It’s as if we are ending a book and starting a new one. We make new resolutions and create new goals. Unfortunately, many times we carry into the new year both the good and the bad. There are certain things that are out of our control, but the one thing that we can control is our attitude. We can change our attitude of whining and complaining. We can change our attitude of seeing the negative in everything, and we can develop an attitude of gratitude. Even when we’ve had a pretty rough year, we can find the positive within the bad. We can find the light in the midst of the darkness. We can be thankful for the good things, but also be thankful for the bad things. Even in the midst of tragedy, we can find something good to be thankful for. It could be a person that helped us through it. It may be what we learned from it. In our case, we became more united as a family, we met wonderful people that became angels in our life, and we are now committed to helping other families that are experiencing the same hardships that we did.

I know, Jesus, that for many, 2017 has been a pretty tough year. Please give them the strength and hope that You gave us in 2009. You were our light in the darkness. Be the light for all those families that are going through difficult times. As we say good-bye to 2017, may we not forget to dream, to hope, to love, and to forgive. Give us the strength to develop an attitude of gratitude no matter what difficulties we may encounter in our journey.

May 2018 be a year full of blessings for all. May You always be our light in the darkness.

Happy New Year, Jesus!!! 

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