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I'm a little pencil

Friday, December 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: Nothing is Impossible for God

“’Hail, full of grace.’ By these words the angel shows that she was altogether excluded from the wrath of the first sentence, and restored to the full grace of blessing." -Saint Augustine – Doctor of the Church

"Feast of the Immaculate Conception"

December 8, 2014

Dear Mama Mary:

Today we celebrate your Immaculate Conception. Many people don't believe that You were a Virgin when You conceived Jesus. I do believe because nothing is impossible for God. And He picked You, a Virgin young girl to be the vessel of His Son.

How are You doing today, Mama Mary? I guess You are sad seeing the disasters of this world. But it's been the same way for the past 2,000 years. I guess that sometimes You must feel that Your Son died in vain. We have not learned anything. But I can tell You that there are many people that are grateful for your YES. I'm one of them. Thank You for saying YES to God. I can only imagine how scary it must have been. You were so young. But You accepted the task with such grace. You trusted God completely, and pushed aside your fears. And in doing so, You changed the world.

Mama Mary, You are full of grace. I believe that is the key to be able to control my fears. I have to pray for the grace to be able to trust God fully, like You did. I also have to pray for the grace to sin less.

Today, Mama Mary, I need to ask for your intercession. My dad is in surgery right now. Again. It's the fifth time this year between biopsies, surgeries and skin grafts. A new tumor was discovered a couple of months ago. It's being removed now. And a new skin graft is being placed on the old wound, and possibly on the new wound as well. I know that he is 86 and eventually Your Son will request his presence, but can You ask Him to leave him with us, if that is His will, for a little longer? My mom needs him. My children want to have him in their lives. And so do I. And he wants to live so much. But I also don't want to see him suffer. So as long as he can stay with us and be fairly healthy, please ask Your Son to spare him for a little longer.

Mama Mary, I'm grateful for your sacrifice. And especially, I'm grateful because I'm less afraid of dying. Your Son taught us that death is not the end, it's the beginning.

Mama Mary, I hope that You are enjoying your feast day in heaven.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 8, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. Today, we celebrate the fact that You were conceived without sin. I used to think that Immaculate Conception meant that You had conceived Jesus while You were a Virgin. But what it really means is that God chose You even before You were conceived. Since You were in your mother's womb, You were free of the original sin. God chose the perfect immaculate vessel to bring His Son into the world.

I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning because I want to get to mass. But, today, Mama Mary, I need to ask for your intercession. I want to pray for the two Ignacio's that were in a very serious car accident last week. One has a brain injury. Please ask Your Son to heal him completely. The other one has very serious injuries in one arm. They are so serious that if Your Son doesn't grant him a miracle, he may lose his arm. These young boys are just seniors in high school. They have their whole lives ahead of them. Please, Mama Mary, embrace them with Your Mantle of Grace. Give them the grace of a complete and total healing. Today, on Your Feast Day, I come to You asking You to intercede for a miracle, if it's Your Son's will. Give hope and faith to their families who are also suffering through this whole ordeal. And grant the doctors the wisdom to choose the proper treatment.

St. Ignatious of Loyola, please pray for the two Ignacio's. Mama Mary, ask Your Son to grant them a miracle because I know that anything that You ask him, He will grant You. Nothing is impossible for God.

O God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin prepared a worthy dwelling for your Son, grant, we pray, that as you preserved her from every stain by virtue of the Death of your Son, which you foresaw so through her intercession, we, too, may be cleansed and admitted to your presence, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

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