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I'm a little pencil

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Advent: True Happiness

"Holy Spirit of God, open my hands, my eyes, my ears, all my senses, and all of my heart so I will be ready to receive your Advent blessings." Tom McGrath

December 9, 2014

Dear Mama Mary:

I want to thank You for interceding for my dad. His surgery was successful and for that I am grateful. Now I come to You once more praying for your intercession in his recovery. He is not out of the woods yet. They had to put a catheter last night and now he is bleeding. Please, ask Your Son to place His healing hands over him so there is no infection settling down in his kidneys. Also, please ask Him to heal his head to stop the spread of the angiosarcoma. And may the skin grafts adhere this time around. 

Please, Mama Mary, place your healing touch over him as well. I pray for his pain and suffering to subside. Thank You for your love and peace as we journey through this difficult valley. May we encounter the sunshine as soon as possible.

I pray also for all the intentions of my faith communities (St. Louis and the Belen Emmaus), and for all the intentions of my family and friends.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

December 9, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for listening to your Mama Mary and for healing my dad. The angiosarcoma did not spread throughout his head after that final surgery at the end of 2014. And we had the blessing of enjoying his presence with us for another eighteen months. Thank You, Jesus.

Today, I also want to thank You because the two Ignacio's are doing better. A lot of people have been praying to you for a miracle, and You are answering our prayers. Ignacio V. is opening his eyes, he's recognizing people and he's responding to commands. He is also breathing on his own, without the help of the respirator. And he even prayed a Hail Mary with Father Willie, how awesome is that. Ignacio C. will have another surgery on his arm in two days, but the good news is that the swelling has started to subside. Please, Jesus, place your healing hands over these two young men and answer the prayers of so many people that are praying for them. I don't even know them but my heart aches for their families and what they are going through. Please, Jesus, heal them and mend their broken bodies.

I was just reading a little book titled "My Daily Bread," and this sentence caught my eye: "Happy are those who desire only what I want, trying steadily to do my will." Jesus, if I unite your will to mine, I will find true happiness. If I choose to do my will instead of yours, I will not be truly happy.

My ultimate goal in this life has to be to be united with You in heaven. Therefore, every single thing I do while on this earth has to be with that ultimate goal in mind. Every small goal that I set to accomplish has to be directed towards that final goal. Every activity that I undertake needs to be guided by You. Everything that I choose to do must keep me on the path that leads to heaven.

Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from You. Therefore, I must give everything back to You. I must use all my talents and all my possessions as You wish, not as I wish. I must offer all my activities to You so that You become my guide and my leader. If I let myself become too overwhelmed with activities of my own choosing, I will lose the happiness that You want me to experience during my brief time here on earth.

If I keep my eyes on the world instead of on You, I will not find true happiness. The brief enjoyments of this earthly life could lead me away from You. I must keep my eyes on You at all times. Otherwise, I may make mistakes or I may sin. When I sin, I lose my inner peace. Sins will rob me of peace on earth and unending happiness in Heaven.

Every day, I must examine my motives for everything that I do. I must choose only those things that deep inside I know will please You, and I must avoid all those things that will separate me from You. You created me to live in eternal happiness with You in heaven. All those things that will keep me away from heaven, I must get rid of them. If I lose Heaven, I will lose everything. The sure guide to Heaven is to align my will to Yours.

Please, Jesus, during this Advent, "open my hands, my eyes, my ears, all my senses, and all of my heart" to recognize what Your will is for my life. May every step I take lead me closer to You.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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