

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Choose the Better Part

"In these two women, who were both well pleasing to the Lord... the two lives are symbolized: our present life, and the life to come; the life of labor, and the life of quiet; the life of sorrow, and the life of blessedness; the life of this world, and the life of eternity. These are the two lives we each have... In Martha is the image of things present, in Mary of things to come. What Martha is doing, we do now; what Mary is doing, we hope to do. Let us do the first life well, so that we may have the second life to the fullest." St. Augustine

June 8, 2010

Dear Jesus:

Today I attended a study of a book titled "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." I used to be very much like Martha. Always doing things, running around, trying to do everything perfectly. Little by little, though, I have been shifting and now, there's a lot of Mary inside of me. I am finally learning to choose the better part, which is basically to sit at your feet and just enjoy your company.

I am more mellow, less frantic. I am more at peace. You lead my life so I don't need to worry so much, the way I used to worry about everything. Thank You for showing me the way.

I love You, Jesus!!!

June 27, 2010

Dear Jesus:

This weekend I have been a Martha and I am exhausted. Now I know that Mary definitely chose the better part. I much rather be a Mary but once in a while, I have no choice, I have to be a Martha.

Tomorrow, we are tenting the house because we have termites. We've had to take all the food, medicines, plants and perishables out of the house. We also have to leave the house. All weekend we've been packing and moving things to my office. And that is why I'm so tired. I am not a happy camper but I offer my tiredness for those that don't have a home. Life is not a piece of cake but with the right attitude, we can make the best of it.

After the tenting is done and the house is clean, we can enjoy ten days at the beach. We rented an apartment starting tomorrow at Hallandale Beach.

I'm tired, Jesus. Good night. I love You!!!

June 8, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I have been trying to find a balance between being a Mary and a Martha. But Martha keeps winning. It's hard to make time to sit at your feet, but at least I try to do it once a week. I enjoy my quiet times with You. I enjoy spending time with You. But as St. Augustine says, I won't be able to be a full time Mary until the life to come. So for now, I will try to be the best Martha I can be, so that eventually, I can choose the better part for all eternity.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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