I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Letters to Heaven and to my Daughter on her Birthday

"I’m happy to celebrate with you this special day when God gave you life. God watches over you and protects you; God is always by your side. His goodness and mercy will be with you all your life, and You will live forever with him. Happy Birthday."

September 24, 2007

My dear girl:

Happy 18th Birthday!!!

A month ago, you gave me a piece of paper that broke my heart. You wrote: "A lot of times, I feel like I'm a constant disappointment. I feel like I'm not the daughter that she wants me to be. I'm not Miss Social Butterfly with dozens of friends everywhere..." I felt really bad because I felt like maybe I was trying to push you into being someone that you could not be.

Sometimes, you look like a little lost sheep that has lost her way. You struggle so much for approval, for support, and for acceptance. I suffer when I see you being excluded from parties and activities because I sense that you suffer too. But as you have matured, I feel like you have come to accept that not everyone is going to invite you to everything.

You do much better in small groups. You don't need to have dozens of friends. As long as you have one good friend that stands by your side, that cares for you, then you are luckier than most. And you have a few of those friends. You have "true" friends that like you and accept you for who you are.

Many times, you prefer to stay at home rather than go out. That's perfectly fine. Each person enjoys life in a different way. You cannot enjoy life by doing what everyone else is doing. The things you enjoy doing may be totally different from the things other girls enjoy doing because you are all completely different individuals.

A few days ago, you went on your Senior Encounter, and you asked me to pray. I was starting my Spiritual Exercises so I offered my three days of silence for the success of the encounter, for you and the team, and for the retreatants. The Good Shepherd loves you and He knows your name. When you are lost, He finds you and He brings you back home. God is using you as His instrument to get His message across. I know that by bearing your soul, and sharing your testimony, you have touched the hearts of your classmates.

I love you, Chabi, and I am very proud of the young woman that you are becoming. Today, on your 18th birthday, I want you to know that you are not a disappointment. In my eyes, you are perfect. You are my perfect daughter.

I love you with all my heart!!! Happy 18th Birthday!!!

September 24, 2011

Dear Mama Mary:

Today is your feast day. Today, we celebrate, Our Lady of Mercy.

Twenty-two years ago, at 7 am, I had a baby girl. I named her Isabel Cristina, but we have always called her Chabeli. Thank You for the gift of my beautiful daughter who was born on such special day. It's impossible to express in words how much joy she has brought into our lives.

"Blessed Mother, I commend my daughter Chabeli to You.
I cannot be at her side at all times yet I trust you are.
Please guide her in all her decisions.
Listen to all her difficulties and protect her from all evil.
You are the most perfect Mother and example to all women,
Help me to be gentle and loving with my daughter.
Grant us both health, wisdom, peace and hope;
I pray to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
Mother-Daughter Mass
October 8th, 2006
Thank You, Mama Mary, for always guiding my little girl in the right direction. Please protect her from any harm, keep her safe always, and allow her to always be happy.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

September 24, 2017

My dear Chabeli:

Happy 28th Birthday!!!

I love you, Chabi, and I am so proud of the young woman that you have become. You will always be my little girl, my only daughter. I was so happy when I found out that I was pregnant for the second time. I didn't think about the fact that between you and your brother there would be just twelve months apart, and that it was going to be hard. I was thrilled because I wanted four children and I was half way there.

Chabeli, you have always been my rock in the midst of the storm. You didn't get sick too often as a baby, just the occasional cold or ear infection. You were content sucking your thumb. You were lazy, lazy, lazy. You did not like to walk. It took you fifteen months to walk on your own, and even when you could walk, you still wanted to be carried or to sit in a stroller.

You have turned out to be a magnificent young lady. You have blossomed into the most beautiful butterfly. You are unique and very special. You have accomplished so much in your young life. Aside from all the accolades of graduating from college Summa Cum Laude, getting both your CPA and your MBA by the time you were just 24 years old, and landing an amazing job at Deloitte, you have a sense of maturity and responsibility that goes far beyond your years.

I want you to know that you have come a long way from the lost sheep of your teenage years. You are so confident and so sure of yourself. You are an amazing young woman, both inside and out. You are a great daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend. You are responsible and independent. I could not be prouder of YOU. In my eyes, you are my perfect daughter.

Happy 28th Birthday, Chabi!!! I love you with all my heart!!!

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